Dad Recreates Son’s Drawings Into Hilarious Real-Life Counterparts
He turns his son’s funny drawing into reality and the results are hilarious.
An Instagram account titled ‘Things I Have Drawn’ is mainly associated with a father-of-two who shares his son’s drawings after recreating them into a realistic version using computer graphics.
That’s not all – the account is presently accepting artworks from children across the globe. At the same time, the loving dad has continually brought fun to adorable, childish doodles of his son, named Dom, 8, into reality.
Recreating their real-life counterparts with a sense of humor, Dom’s limitless drawings ranging from wild animals, scary bikes, and even cars are transformed by dad into slightly terrifying yet pretty hilarious digital artworks.
Specifically, Dom’s work has been applauded and has proven to be quite impactful about cheering up. Some of his followers have admitted he’s good at what he does compare to most well-recognized artists.
Nevertheless, listed here are 30 of the best work of Dom for your perusal. Do enjoy this compilation!
More Info: Instagram





















