College Student Shows How Her Male Classmates Keep Interrupting Her On Zoom
Where is respect?
It’s not fun being a woman in general when it comes to being included in a group discussion. Unless it’s all women in there, chances are there will be men who’ll just ‘naturally’ disregards things you say because you’re a girl. It’s as if the things you say don’t matter, that you’re inferior because you were born a girl.
Claire McDonnell, a STEM student, disclosed how her ‘group discussion’ actually looks like.
Only four out of the 60 graduate students at the University of Iowa were female. One of them was Claire McDonnell, a 22-year-old woman who was in the middle of discussing her commercial underwriting group project. She felt very interrupted and decided to record the video call in short clips.
Initially, she just wanted to share it with friends and fellow colleagues. But she decided to post it onto social media, thinking how it’s just perfect to show how rampant this disrespectful act is. It surprised her when it blew up and has been viewed more than 2.5 million times today.
She captioned, “Live footage of a woman in STEM.”
What really annoyed her was the fact that commercial underwriting was practically her job, meaning she had the most experience in the field. Yet, the group did not seem to be appreciating her values not opinions.