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Chinese Takeaway Lady Writes Banger Replies To Bad Reviews On Her Food


Chinese Takeaway Lady Writes Banger Replies To Bad Reviews On Her Food

This Chinese chef doesn’t like it when people badmouth them.

Business owners are no stranger to bad reviews. There are times when these reviews were absolutely justified to prevent other customers from going through the same horrible experiences. But for Alice Cheung, who takes her business and cooking seriously, she takes every single bad review seriously.

We all love honest reviews with constructed criticisms and even a bit of humor. But when those reviews are malicious to insult a business plainly?

Alice runs Oriental Express that provides takeaway and food delivery on Just Eats. The 50-year-old cook and owner from Pudsey, Leeds, does not entertain two-star ratings that badmouth her business.

Chinese Takeaway Lady Writes Banger Replies To Bad Reviews On Her Food
Oriental Express

Hence, she takes those reviews that insults her cooking or food portions seriously.

Chinese Takeaway Lady Writes Banger Replies To Bad Reviews On Her Food

Alice’s replies are savage, often explaining what the menu is and reveals the orders and notes the customers made. When interviewed by Leeds Live, Alice explained, “Reviews tend to put business owners down and demotivate them. I want to be realistic.”

“I think reviews should be honest and not corporate responses.”

Chinese Takeaway Lady Writes Banger Replies To Bad Reviews On Her Food
Oriental Express
Chinese Takeaway Lady Writes Banger Replies To Bad Reviews On Her Food
Oriental Express

This no-nonsense treatment is commonly seen in Asian culture. They hold their head high and does not budge just because a customer doesn’t like something. The notion that “customers are king” do not apply to Alice that types comeback to negative reviews.

Chinese Takeaway Lady Writes Banger Replies To Bad Reviews On Her Food
Oriental Express
Chinese Takeaway Lady Writes Banger Replies To Bad Reviews On Her Food
Oriental Express

Oriental Express has a high rating, proof that Alice is proud of when it comes to their quality. At 4.95 out of 6 with more than 150 reviews now, Oriental Express offers a wife-variety of food from Chow Mein (fried noodles) to English dishes like the Sirloin Steak.

Chinese Takeaway Lady Writes Banger Replies To Bad Reviews On Her Food
Oriental Express
Chinese Takeaway Lady Writes Banger Replies To Bad Reviews On Her Food
Oriental Express
Chinese Takeaway Lady Writes Banger Replies To Bad Reviews On Her Food
Oriental Express
Chinese Takeaway Lady Writes Banger Replies To Bad Reviews On Her Food
Oriental Express
Chinese Takeaway Lady Writes Banger Replies To Bad Reviews On Her Food
Oriental Express
Chinese Takeaway Lady Writes Banger Replies To Bad Reviews On Her Food
Oriental Express

When most restaurants and establishments have a set of guideline with how they reply their customers, Alice’s replies are all genuine.

When many people think Alice is being abrasive, one of the customer reviews reads, “Don’t understand the bad comments; food was on time, fresh, hot and tasty, big portions, and delivery girl [was] very polite and friendly.”

Chinese Takeaway Lady Writes Banger Replies To Bad Reviews On Her Food
Oriental Express
Chinese Takeaway Lady Writes Banger Replies To Bad Reviews On Her Food
Oriental Express
Chinese Takeaway Lady Writes Banger Replies To Bad Reviews On Her Food
Oriental Express

One of her peeves is when reviewers do not explain their low-rating at all.

Chinese Takeaway Lady Writes Banger Replies To Bad Reviews On Her Food
Oriental Express

Alice replied to one such empty reviews “that it would help if you told us why you gave a low score.”

Chinese Takeaway Lady Writes Banger Replies To Bad Reviews On Her Food
Oriental Express
Chinese Takeaway Lady Writes Banger Replies To Bad Reviews On Her Food
Oriental Express
Chinese Takeaway Lady Writes Banger Replies To Bad Reviews On Her Food
Oriental Express

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