Bride Stirred Up Crowd When She Took Off Wedding Gown For A Surprise Cheeky Dance
Their amazing performance has gone viral.
Some people prepare a special something for their partner to spice up the wedding party. Bride Inès Le Calvez – Anneby prepared a dance for her husband and surprised people when she took off her wedding dress and appeared in a leotard with frill skirts.
What was pretty shocking was the part where she and her bridesmaids ran into the room with ‘Single Ladies.’

The group performs to a medley of Beyoncé’s songs with some of her hit music from ‘Till The End of Time’ to ‘Crazy in Time.’ The group executed their routine pretty well and the spotlight stays on Inès as she stayed wearing white as the bride.

Part of the dance was a solo where she closes in on her groom for the dance.

The bride and her entourage all danced in pumps and aside from the bride, the rest of the bride was in a sparkly frilled leotard for the routine.

On YouTube, the full 4-minute clip has been watched over 2 million times.
The clip has also been shared on TikTok with over 8 million views where people were having mixed feelings about dancing the dance at their wedding. Particularly for those who feel it’d be awkward to let their parents see them dancing in that getup.
Several people were bothered by how everyone could see her dance and it wasn’t just her that was in that leotard.