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Be Different With These Chicken Leg Socks That Are Sweeping The Internet


Be Different With These Chicken Leg Socks That Are Sweeping The Internet

Rock those chicken legs!

Chicken-themed apparels are apparently taking over the Internet and fashion trend. It’s not that having pictures of chickens in any sorts of apparel or even accessories and other daily things we interact or wear with is weird. To particularly have them truly resemble the shape of a chicken, now that’s something.

We from Green Lemon have spotted that there is a new type of chicken fashion after the rubber handbag and chicken thigh pants. That is the Chicken Leg Socks that can be found on Amazon created by TheFound. Whether you love chickens, birds or simply the absurdity of a pair, this is definitely a good one to spice up any fun event.

After millions of chickens life and unborn chicks, we finally found our way of redemption.

Be Different With These Chicken Leg Socks That Are Sweeping The Internet

No worth events to wear the socks to?

Be Different With These Chicken Leg Socks That Are Sweeping The Internet

Don’t worry! Just get it for the sake of it.

Be Different With These Chicken Leg Socks That Are Sweeping The Internet

Or get a friend who’s willing to prove your friendship by getting a pair.

Be Different With These Chicken Leg Socks That Are Sweeping The Internet

Be Different With These Chicken Leg Socks That Are Sweeping The Internet
Be Different With These Chicken Leg Socks That Are Sweeping The Internet

And surely, they might become the next big fashion thing!

Be Different With These Chicken Leg Socks That Are Sweeping The Internet

Even dogs are intrigued about these new legs of yours.

Be Different With These Chicken Leg Socks That Are Sweeping The Internet

Show people that to chicken is not an insult!

Be Different With These Chicken Leg Socks That Are Sweeping The Internet
Be Different With These Chicken Leg Socks That Are Sweeping The Internet

Flex your new legs to your chickens.

Be Different With These Chicken Leg Socks That Are Sweeping The Internet
Be Different With These Chicken Leg Socks That Are Sweeping The Internet

Hidden underneath is your favorite pair of the most beloved animal in the world, chicken.

Be Different With These Chicken Leg Socks That Are Sweeping The Internet

Because chicken is love and life. They’d die for us, lay eggs to provide us with good protein intakes and they taste good. You might love your pet dog. Vegans will scream at this, but what you don’t know is that chickens are omnivores: they also eat other animals like rodents and lizards.

Be Different With These Chicken Leg Socks That Are Sweeping The Internet
Be Different With These Chicken Leg Socks That Are Sweeping The Internet

Good news though: if you are a vegan, these socks can proof that even chickens deserve a good life.

Be Different With These Chicken Leg Socks That Are Sweeping The Internet
Be Different With These Chicken Leg Socks That Are Sweeping The Internet
Be Different With These Chicken Leg Socks That Are Sweeping The Internet

How to blend in with chickens 101:

Be Different With These Chicken Leg Socks That Are Sweeping The Internet

Love them? Go grab a pair and tell us what you like about these socks or post more pictures of you rocking them!

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