Artist’s 30 Hilarious Comics About The Daily Life We Dream Of
Way too adorable!
Some people dream of conquering the world; some people dream of a normal happy life. ‘Normal’ can mean many things – perhaps it’s spending long years with that precious person. Perhaps it’s to travel around the world over and over again. Or maybe to dedicate one’s life to unfortunate people (or animals!).
There is never a short amount of tragedy and horror stories on the Internet. In fact, journalism and news thrive through them (because that’s just how our brain is hardwired to be, but that’s a whole story to be told another day!). Hence, finding artists like Andrés J. Colmenares makes only wholesome and adorable comics called ‘Wawawiwa’ in these trying times.
Definitely check his comics out here if you love them and join 1.4 million other happy followers!
More info: Instagram |




























