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Artists’ 30 Dark Humor Comics With Unexpected Endings


Artists’ 30 Dark Humor Comics With Unexpected Endings

The art style indeed compliments the stories.

Art is a perfect medium to express the person within. And Artist Jonathan Kunz and Elizabeth Pich, the creator of ‘War and Peas’ are perfectly both aware of this. The duo started creating dark and twisted comics in 2011 and reading the comics will certainly send some shiver down your spine, hence read on with caution.

Building faithful and loving followers on Instagram, the duo have found their appropriate audience and equally have resonated with people, who react with the strong emotional response after reading them.

Just last year, the duo sighed an international book deal with Andrews McMeel, a publisher, finding their book in the same home as the Peanuts, Calvin and Hobbes. Their book titled ‘Funny Comics For Dirty Lovers is available for pre-order, but in the meantime, take a look at their recently released dark comics with twisted endings. Have a deep look!

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Artists' 30 Dark Humor Comics With Unexpected Endings


Artists' 30 Dark Humor Comics With Unexpected Endings


Artists' 30 Dark Humor Comics With Unexpected Endings


Artists' 30 Dark Humor Comics With Unexpected Endings


Artists' 30 Dark Humor Comics With Unexpected Endings


Artists' 30 Dark Humor Comics With Unexpected Endings


Artists' 30 Dark Humor Comics With Unexpected Endings


Artists' 30 Dark Humor Comics With Unexpected Endings


Artists' 30 Dark Humor Comics With Unexpected Endings


Artists' 30 Dark Humor Comics With Unexpected Endings


Artists' 30 Dark Humor Comics With Unexpected Endings


Artists' 30 Dark Humor Comics With Unexpected Endings


Artists' 30 Dark Humor Comics With Unexpected Endings


Artists' 30 Dark Humor Comics With Unexpected Endings


Artists' 30 Dark Humor Comics With Unexpected Endings


Artists' 30 Dark Humor Comics With Unexpected Endings


Artists' 30 Dark Humor Comics With Unexpected Endings


Artists' 30 Dark Humor Comics With Unexpected Endings


Artists' 30 Dark Humor Comics With Unexpected Endings


Artists' 30 Dark Humor Comics With Unexpected Endings


Artists' 30 Dark Humor Comics With Unexpected Endings


Artists' 30 Dark Humor Comics With Unexpected Endings


Artists' 30 Dark Humor Comics With Unexpected Endings


Artists' 30 Dark Humor Comics With Unexpected Endings


Artists' 30 Dark Humor Comics With Unexpected Endings


Artists' 30 Dark Humor Comics With Unexpected Endings


Artists' 30 Dark Humor Comics With Unexpected Endings


Artists' 30 Dark Humor Comics With Unexpected Endings


Artists' 30 Dark Humor Comics With Unexpected Endings


Artists' 30 Dark Humor Comics With Unexpected Endings


Artists' 30 Dark Humor Comics With Unexpected Endings

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