Artist’s 24 Illustrations Depict Couples Don’t Have To Be Attractive To Be Real
This is quite inspiring. Take a look!
OkBlue, a webcomic inspired to highlight a night during a week of insomnia back in November 2019 has recently diverted into exploring relationship dynamics. The latest series titled ‘A Couple Of Blue’, features blue characters, blue clothes, blue food, and even blue surroundings.
Practically, everything in the comic series is entirely blue. Drawn for fun, the series can be found relatable, and interestingly the idea was given birth to after the author experienced some problems with sleeping.
Recognized on different platforms, including Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, Ok Comics has garnered over 400o true fans and regularly has over 100 likes on each update posts. And since he and his wife have quite a fun-filled relationship, the artist figured out that not all couples have to be attractive to be real and 100% happy.
More info: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | okbluecomics |






















