Armored Truck Dropped Huge Money On The Highway And People Gone Crazy
It’s unknown how much money was dropped.
A minor accident happened recently on Northbound Interstate 5 near Tamarack Ave in California. It witnessed an armored truck pooped open, which caused bags of cash to fall out of the vehicle. Money was seen flying across the motorway, even reaching the southbound lanes.
It was a grab-all-you-can for people on a US motorway after an armored truck spilled money onto the road.
At approximately 9 a.m., the truck which was headed to Federal Reserve from a local bank had his door reportedly popped and indeed prompted a huge reaction from motorists. Demi Bagby, a Fitness Influencer, shared footage of the incident with her 2.6million and captioned it: “This is the most insane thing I’ve ever seen.”
A clip shared on Instagram by fitness influencer, Demi Bagby, shows cash strewn all over.
Several drivers stopped their cars and scrambled in the middle of the freeway to pick up the loose cash.
She added: “Someone dropped money all over the freeway – San Diego has shut down. Literally, it has shut down; look at the freeway right now, oh my gosh.” The California Highway Patrol (CHP) has since reacted, saying several social media videos show people on the freeway picking up the cash and that they are working with the FBI to investigate.
“This is the most insane thing I’ve ever seen.” Demi had captioned her clip.
The truck was headed to Federal Reserve from a local bank when it popped open near Cannon Road.
CHP Sergeant Curtis Martin claimed that the armored truck driver tried to recover some money from lanes but then videotaped people. “There is a lot of video evidence of people picking up the cash, so we are going to be following up on every lead that we have.” CHP Martin stated.
CHP has said they are currently working with the FBI on the case.
Also, Sgt. Martin stated that the driver of the armored truck tried to recover some cash from the lanes.
According to ABC10 News, two people have been arrested and are presently in custody. These two suspects had accidentally locked their car, so it was blocking lanes of traffic. However, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported that at least a dozen people had since returned the money they collected to the CHP. “People are bringing a lot. It’s a lot of money.” Sgt. Martin stated.