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Apple Confirms They Are Holding This Year’s WWDC Online In June


Apple Confirms They Are Holding This Year’s WWDC Online In June

Details on the event has not been disclosed, yet.

Apple was the last to give news on their annual event. Apple has announced today that they will be holding WWDC this year completely online with an all-new format. Their event is generally held in June every year and Apple has promised that consumers, press, and developers the news and events they have been waiting for.

Apple Confirms They Are Holding This Year's WWDC Online In June

For the past few years, Apple has held its event at San Jose Convention Center, a location currently known to have had patients of Covid-19.

Details on how the new online format will look like were not disclosed, but Apple always made their first morning of the show to have a public keynote that announces major software changes with its details along with hardware and service announcements. For some reason, however, Apple has made sure to mention there will be content for consumers and press as well.

This may serve as an opportunity for Apple to make the WWDC 2020 to be more consumer-oriented. With the event held in a virtual format, the WWDC is no more restricted to the capacity of the convention center that is often overflown with attendants.

Aside from Apple, Microsoft and Google have also announced they are taking their annual events to the virtual world as well. Meanwhile, E3 has been cancelled and the last in line to announce their plans onward would be Taiwan’s Computex.

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