Alpinist And Her Team Takes Out 8.5 Tons Of Rubbish On Mount Everest After 3 Years Of Cleanup
Apart from protecting nature, it’s about quality of life!
Mount Everest – The world’s most-recognized location has shown its wear and tear despite topping in 1953. The destination has become the most sought after destination for international daredevil climbers, and every spring, hundreds of individuals flock to the slopes of the nearly 30,000-foot mountain. But there’s an issue – the tons of garbage and human waste often left behind.

Everest is recognized as a sacred place that deserves respect, but its popularity has eventually polluted it. Luckily, concerned people, including organizations, are restoring it to its former glory. Recently, Marion Chaygneaud-Dupuy, the winner of the 2019 Terre de Femmes, and her team took out an estimated 8.5 tons of rubbish on Mount Everest after 3Years of dedicated cleanup.
Marion Chaygneaud-Dupuy, the winner of the 2019 Terre de Femmes, and her team took out 8.5 tons of rubbish on Mount Everest.

‘Clean Everest Project’ launched by Marion in 2016 has indeed attained a milestone as both she and her team cleared out three-quarters of all the humanmade waste found on the mountain. 50 Yaks were gifted by local authorities to help bring down the collated garbage down the hill. Interestingly, 39-Year-Old Marion aims at finishing Everest clean up before moving onto the whole Himalayan Mountain range.

Marion had journeyed to India and Tibet, where she lived and worked as a mountain guide for over 17years. Besides, the Himalayas’ pollution has affected the drinking water used by over 2billion people residing in the Chinese and Indian valleys; hence the fight to clean up the mountains is about the quality of life.

Having scaled Mount Everest three times, Marion was able to see what over 30years of tours had done to the mountainside. According to Marion, climbing Everest should offer one of the purest interactions between humans and the natural world, but the tonnes of waste spotted in 2013 is downright a discouragement.

Nonetheless, since childhood, Marion had established a connection with nature as she reportedly claimed to play in the woods and learn the names of trees, animals, and plants.