Adorable Moment Deaf Boy, 2, Signs ‘I Love You’ To His Mom For The First Time Ever
Truly adorable moment!
A two-year-old boy recently told his mother he loved her in a sign language for the first time ever.
Crystal Kouri from Los Angeles, California was on her usual grocery shopping with son, PJ when he shocked her with impressive sign language skills.
PJ was originally born with Treacher Collins Syndrome, a genetic disorder that causes deformities of the facial structure. So with PJ’s ear underdeveloped at birth, the disorder caused him a hearing loss.
The heart-touching video featured PJ sitting in the front of the trolley, signing ‘I Love You’ to his mother in the center of the Supermarket. Responding, Crystal returned the sign to her son PJ and also said ‘I Love You’.
Crystal Kouri from Los Angeles was shocked with an impressive ‘I Love You’ sign from son PJ

Since birth, PJ has embarked on 5 surgeries to assist him in breathing, and despite the setbacks, he has learned how to communicate using sign language. While he can verbally speak up to 250 words, PJ communicates best-using sign language.
‘PJ has Treacher Collins Syndrome, just like Auggie Pullman – a fictional character from Wonder. His condition has caused PJ to have 5 major surgeries, which have enabled him to breathe, grow and eat well. The disorder has caused his ears to be underdeveloped, causing a moderate hearing loss.’ Crystal said.
Crystal returned the sign to her son PJ and also said ‘I Love You’.

She added: ‘We started the sign language immediately as a means to communicate with wearing his hearing aid. Now at the age of 2, he has a 250 words vocabulary, both verbal and sign.’
Hearing PJ says and signs the word ‘I Love You’ was, however, an emotional scene for Crystal, ‘For the first time, PJ signed mama. I stopped immediately to record it all.’ Crystal explained.
Deaf Boy told mother ‘I Love You’ in sign language
Source: Dailymail