30 Hilarious Birds That Got Shamed For Being Jerk
They can be cute and real annoying at the same time..
Birds are really beautiful creatures and no matter how small they are, we’re always jealous of their ability to just fly wherever, whenever. They are such beautiful, creatures of freedom but who knows underneath that beauty mask, they are little devils in disguise.
Yes, birds are absolute jerks who will torture you because they’re not apparently that stupid. They will find ways to chew you out (literally) and screw over the love you try to show them. Be wary.
This perfect paint jo- Nevermind.

Is this a cat?

The classic jerk.

A pelican tried to eat my phone.

You can’t cage them. Can’t stop them.

Caught at the National Aquarium Of New Zealand.

Looks like the first flying bunny.

One second before disaster: bird version.

Angry goose.

When a bird can’t read, so it doesn’t work.

Seconds before disaster: bird v. cat version.

This cockatoo just tore down the anti-bird spikes and threw them out.

Hi, there. Weather looks good.

What is the story?

Australia firehawks purpose cause wildfire to catch fleeing preys.


*GASP* “Batter!” Dunks whole head into batter.


This bird waits for co-worker’s car every morning to look at the mirror and crap.

How it’s like to own a pet bird.

This bird keeps pecking on the window and shouting at me at work.

He hates us.

Mischievous Billy and friends.

He doesn’t seem to mind the bees.

Bird snacking on family pet.

My parking space!

Damn this tree is particular.

Girl wants to pet chicken. But chicken disagreed.

This bird stole fries.
