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27 People Share Their Odd Habits And Some Are Hilariously Relatable


27 People Share Their Odd Habits And Some Are Hilariously Relatable

A lot of people actually relate to these things a lot.

What was the weirdest thing or habit of yours that is just so weird to talk about with others? Not everyone can tell people that they bite water bottle caps out of habit or has a weird obsession over how they fear earthquake will trap them anywhere they go. But yes, weird is part of us and it’s actually pretty ‘normal’ to be weird!

Which brings us to this twitter thread.

27 People Share Their Odd Habits And Some Are Hilariously Relatable

It appears that people are weirder than we thought and a lot of people are agreeing with each other. Perhaps, there are science and psychology reasons to explain the recurring behavior in different individuals from different backgrounds?

We don’t know, but it is definitely entertaining to see how hilarious these relatable tweets are.

Leave me alone!

27 People Share Their Odd Habits And Some Are Hilariously Relatable

Always prepared.

27 People Share Their Odd Habits And Some Are Hilariously Relatable

That is my rule.

27 People Share Their Odd Habits And Some Are Hilariously Relatable

A short challenge.

27 People Share Their Odd Habits And Some Are Hilariously Relatable

Distance measurement in music.

27 People Share Their Odd Habits And Some Are Hilariously Relatable

Fear of earthquake.

27 People Share Their Odd Habits And Some Are Hilariously Relatable

A bad habit.

27 People Share Their Odd Habits And Some Are Hilariously Relatable

Isn’t that how most characters die in movies?

27 People Share Their Odd Habits And Some Are Hilariously Relatable

Failed. Cancelled the first one and re-challenge.

27 People Share Their Odd Habits And Some Are Hilariously Relatable

Ready for it even before the pandemic hits.

27 People Share Their Odd Habits And Some Are Hilariously Relatable

Prayer hour.

27 People Share Their Odd Habits And Some Are Hilariously Relatable

For some reasons, believe that plate number will help in some serious cases.

27 People Share Their Odd Habits And Some Are Hilariously Relatable

Always be ready just in case.

27 People Share Their Odd Habits And Some Are Hilariously Relatable

How to have a good night sleep.

27 People Share Their Odd Habits And Some Are Hilariously Relatable

My kind of OCD.

27 People Share Their Odd Habits And Some Are Hilariously Relatable

The imagination that we have are wild.

27 People Share Their Odd Habits And Some Are Hilariously Relatable

It’s suddenly a competition.

27 People Share Their Odd Habits And Some Are Hilariously Relatable

Always practice socially in front of the mirror, remains socially awkward in real life.

27 People Share Their Odd Habits And Some Are Hilariously Relatable

A story of a paranoid.

27 People Share Their Odd Habits And Some Are Hilariously Relatable

You never know.

27 People Share Their Odd Habits And Some Are Hilariously Relatable

Has to close them to keep the monsters out.

27 People Share Their Odd Habits And Some Are Hilariously Relatable

Always rehearse it, always be prepared.

27 People Share Their Odd Habits And Some Are Hilariously Relatable

Sings it back as a random mumbling.

27 People Share Their Odd Habits And Some Are Hilariously Relatable

Comfier and cooler.

27 People Share Their Odd Habits And Some Are Hilariously Relatable

Save the best for the last.

27 People Share Their Odd Habits And Some Are Hilariously Relatable

Tunes to 40. Too loud? That’ll be 35 then.

27 People Share Their Odd Habits And Some Are Hilariously Relatable

Complete silence is so loud and disturbing.

27 People Share Their Odd Habits And Some Are Hilariously Relatable

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