This Doctor In California Lives In A Tent In His Garage To Social Distance From Family
He does it to keep his family safe.
The Covid-19 has infected a total of 700,000 people with more than 30,000 dead. Almost 150,000 of them are currently in the USA and Dr. Timmy Cheng is among those who are on the frontline fighting against the pandemic. The Californian doctor is a husband and a father above all that.
But to keep his family safe, he has been limiting direct interaction with them and spend days sleeping in the hospital’s room.
And that’s how he came to this situation.

Cheng has erected a tent in his garage, next to his car per wife’s suggestion. Spending the nights at the hospital has been uncomfortable and we all know how much the doctors need to stay healthy with good night rests.
“I spent one night in my car, then four nights in the hospital call room,” said the doctor. “On day five, my wife came up with the idea for me to live in a tent in our garage. So, here it is.”
He’s stationed in Irvine at UCI Medical Center as a pulmonary and critical care specialist.

Being able to be ‘homeless’ while at home, Cheng felt more comfortable and could have everything he needed in his tent. He has a double mattress, pillow and laptop and of course, snacks. His family would leave his meal in front of the garage door.
Cheng says he may have to conform to this lifestyle for the next few months until the pandemic cools down. He won’t be able to spend as much time with his family or be in physical contact as long as he’s at high risk of bringing home his infection.

Dr. Cheng shares a post that begs people to stay home.

“You can help me and other healthcare workers become un-homeless by STAYING HOME,” wrote the doctor on his viral Facebook post. “JUST DO IT. Nobody is too cool to stay at home. Nobody is too healthy to get sick. STAY HOME and help stop the spread of this virus.
“Countless doctors, nurses, and other health care workers are working hard to save YOUR LIFE. The least you could do is stay home so that we, too, can go home to our loved ones one day.”
In California, there are almost 5,000 cases with 102 confirmed deaths. It’s the third state with the most case of Covid-19.

Cheng is not the only doctor who’s showing self-sacrificing acts to keep his family safe. ER doctors are also beginning to share just how chaotic the situation is right now with people literally suffocating to death because they can’t get enough ventilators.