30 People Who Trying To Sell Their Mirrors In A Hilarious Way
Never had selling something made you so self-conscious like a mirror does.
If you’ve ever tried to sell a mirror or anything that naturally reflects what’s in front of it on Craiglist, you can probably relate with these pictures. It is not until the process of taking decent pictures do people realize how awkward it is to include your face in the product!

While it is a good thing as people can see how clean the mirror is, it has now ended up as the new hilarious thing on Twitter. People are posting pictures of themselves… in the mirrors, they are selling. And perhaps, this may just become their best chance to get their mirrors sold. Green Lemon has compiled 30 funniest of them all.
1. When you try to be as less conspicuous as possible.

2. Pretty girl on top!

3. Talking about taking realistic pictures.

4. Well, we kind of understand why he’d be selling these.

5. This man’s attempt at trying to be as unseen as possible.

6. This picture that looks like it came out of creepypasta.

7. Addams family vibe going strong with this one.

8. Selling the mirror, might as well take it out for one last time.

9. Not the kind of sexy body-only posters we wanted.

10. Good boi not included.

11. Dude.

12. Banana for scale.

13. Your face on your wife’s 85th attempt at taking a nice picture of the mirror.

14. Is the doggo still available for snacks?

15. When you just relate with this picture so much.

16. “I know! I can just use a timer and they won’t see who took the picture!”

17. An upside down world.

18. Yes, I’m chill, this is my life.

19. Exhibit dog: As the sun stares down on me.

20. What kind of wedding dress?

21. When all you’ve been aiming is a chance to flaunt your new leg.

22. That friend who’s just happy to be useful.

23. ‘Mom, smile!’

24. We don’t know why he strike this pose.

25. When you forgot that you can take a picture of the mirror from an angle other than straight.

26. I doesn’t take a lot to stay covered up, guys.

27. When you’re taking a bath and suddenly thought of selling that mirror.

28. He has a hard time to see the mirror if not like this.

29. ‘So whose legs- oh.’

30. It’s like staring into another world.