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Artist’s 30 Socially Awkward Comics That Are Way Too Relatable


Artist’s 30 Socially Awkward Comics That Are Way Too Relatable

Introverts and nerds unite!

What is it like to live life as an introverted person? Some people aren’t born like social butterflies and find communicating challenging. They don’t hate having friends and even tolerate gatherings from time to time. It’s just the peril that understands a fellow human being that’s not you is terribly hard.

Jane Zei, a comic illustrator who goes by the name Pidgeon Gazette, sees herself in the comics she makes. Why she herself is a socially awkward person and loves to share her thoughts and experiences through her comics. The rest of us can vibe with her comics that are never far from the truth.

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Because low expectations mean easy to please.

Trying to be positive.

Artist's 30 Socially Awkward Comics That Are Way Too Relatable
The Pigeon Gazette

There is no wrong wa-

Artist's 30 Socially Awkward Comics That Are Way Too Relatable
The Pigeon Gazette

Sports bra.

Jane, get out of the car.

Artist's 30 Socially Awkward Comics That Are Way Too Relatable
The Pigeon Gazette

Just act normal!

Artist's 30 Socially Awkward Comics That Are Way Too Relatable
Artist's 30 Socially Awkward Comics That Are Way Too Relatable
The Pigeon Gazette

Jane Zei is a self-taught illustrator who started making comics because people kept telling her to. Of course, she’s been making artworks that prompted her friends to ask her try posting them online. But just like a lot people who succeeded, she initially flopped. But she didn’t give up!

Where’s the baby?

Artist's 30 Socially Awkward Comics That Are Way Too Relatable
The Pigeon Gazette

Reading memes.

Artist's 30 Socially Awkward Comics That Are Way Too Relatable
The Pigeon Gazette

Rating your own work performance.

Artist's 30 Socially Awkward Comics That Are Way Too Relatable
The Pigeon Gazette

I tried!

Fat daughter.

Artist's 30 Socially Awkward Comics That Are Way Too Relatable
The Pigeon Gazette

In her period.

Artist's 30 Socially Awkward Comics That Are Way Too Relatable
The Pigeon Gazette

You’re a huge diamond!

The Legend of the Lavawalker.

Artist's 30 Socially Awkward Comics That Are Way Too Relatable
The Pigeon Gazette

It’s harmless.

Artist's 30 Socially Awkward Comics That Are Way Too Relatable
The Pigeon Gazette

Describing her comics, Jane explained that her comics are “born on the cusp of 2015 in the hot heat of an existential crisis.” Jane is pretty proud with where the comics are right now, “The comic has managed to survive on as an enjoyable mistake of nature, much like the sloth or Chihuahua.”

American cooking shows.

A movie commentator.

Artist's 30 Socially Awkward Comics That Are Way Too Relatable
The Pigeon Gazette

Yep, puppies and rainbows.

Artist's 30 Socially Awkward Comics That Are Way Too Relatable
The Pigeon Gazette

When you live in a very small circle.

Artist's 30 Socially Awkward Comics That Are Way Too Relatable
The Pigeon Gazette

California’s summer heat.

Artist's 30 Socially Awkward Comics That Are Way Too Relatable
The Pigeon Gazette

He’s the on- Nevermind.

Memories of injuries.

Back in my day…

Artist's 30 Socially Awkward Comics That Are Way Too Relatable
The Pigeon Gazette

I will DENY YOU.

Artist's 30 Socially Awkward Comics That Are Way Too Relatable

When I die…

Artist's 30 Socially Awkward Comics That Are Way Too Relatable

Jane’s comics are so relatable to many that she has 210k followers on Instagram now. Her years of hard work have allowed her to meet so many people that love what she does. She admitted that she initially was okay with having only one or two people who can relate to her comics.

I can do other things, too!

Artist's 30 Socially Awkward Comics That Are Way Too Relatable
The Pigeon Gazette

A hard maybe!

Artist's 30 Socially Awkward Comics That Are Way Too Relatable
The Pigeon Gazette

Prison break.

In bed and agony.

Artist's 30 Socially Awkward Comics That Are Way Too Relatable
The Pigeon Gazette

Mating calls.

Artist's 30 Socially Awkward Comics That Are Way Too Relatable
The Pigeon Gazette

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