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9 ‘Things We Should Stop Saying To Men’ Illustrations Goes Viral


9 ‘Things We Should Stop Saying To Men’ Illustrations Goes Viral

We can be better than this.

Toxic masculinity has long defined how men should and should not behave in a society. Just take a look at our history and see how society’s expectations often control many actions from men. But what has clearly prevented more people from seeing how dire the situation is the fact that ‘men don’t cry.’

Yes, so few men talk about how they feel because it seems that having feelings is a bad thing. Or that their tear glands aren’t supposed to be allowed to produce tears during their whole life.

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Guess what? Men get to choose to not be strong all the time as well. Oh, and not be judged.

9 ‘Things We Should Stop Saying To Men’ Illustrations Goes Viral
9 ‘Things We Should Stop Saying To Men’ Illustrations Goes Viral
9 ‘Things We Should Stop Saying To Men’ Illustrations Goes Viral
9 ‘Things We Should Stop Saying To Men’ Illustrations Goes Viral
9 ‘Things We Should Stop Saying To Men’ Illustrations Goes Viral
9 ‘Things We Should Stop Saying To Men’ Illustrations Goes Viral
9 ‘Things We Should Stop Saying To Men’ Illustrations Goes Viral
9 ‘Things We Should Stop Saying To Men’ Illustrations Goes Viral
9 ‘Things We Should Stop Saying To Men’ Illustrations Goes Viral
9 ‘Things We Should Stop Saying To Men’ Illustrations Goes Viral

The Yellow Club shared this post on November 19 in celebration of Men’s Day. When so many people are weirded out as to why patriarchy would need a day to be celebrated, The Yellow Club points out that patriarchy itself hurts not just women but also men. This post is aimed to ‘acknowledge the struggles of men.’

It is aimed to address how men are ‘expected to suffer in stoic silence and keep calm.’

They continued, “Let’s stop asking men to never show emotions, instead let’s ask them how they’re feeling.”

“Let’s treat men as humans. Emotional, prone to mistakes, fear, uncertainty, and yes, humans who are capable and want to, at times, cry.”

Anyone would hate that just because they’re born as a ‘man,’ people automatically expect them to be more successful than their female counterparts. Won’t you hate it when people expect you to be a good singer just because your parents are singers?

Instead of forcing men into positions they never agreed to, let’s change the society into a place where even men can be comfortable just by being themselves. Where they are not plagued with how ‘men should act’ but instead show their emotions and have their opinions considered, too.

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