4000-Year-Old Bronze Age Gold Necklace Found By Metal Detector Enthusiast
The care worker felt it was a piece of climbing equipment.
A metal detector enthusiast is presently rejoicing the find of a lifetime after discovering a stunning 4,000-year-old gold torc that’s worth at least £11k.
The detectorist named Billy Vaughan, aged 54 was startled when he came across the gleaming 22-carat gold band in a remote field near his hometown, Whitehaven, Cumbria.
Billy Vaughan, 54, had only been detecting for six months when he made the discovery in a remote field

The found Bronze Age of twisted jewelry was burrowed 5ins below the earth’s surface. Mr. Vaughan at first glance had felt it was just a piece of climbing equipment, not until he shared a photo of it to a fellow metal detector who identified it as a torc.
Mr. Vaughan also showed his discovery to a jeweler who revealed its weigh 11oz of pure gold and a market value of £11,000. But with the historical significance, the jewelry is envisaged to be worth more than this value amount.
Mr. Vaughan, a care worker, has alerted his local museum and the coroner who will rule if the find is ‘treasure’

‘I have been detecting for six months and I was out by myself on a field, just the same dozens of times as before, spending about 7 to 8 hours going through it.
But this time around I got a strong conviction to dig five inches and I saw it. My first reaction was that it was a piece of climbing equipment and perhaps, could be a coupling from a tractor. I never imagined it could be gold.’ Mr. Vaughan explained.
The startling discovery was made in a remote field near his home town of Whitehaven, Cumbria

Mr. Vaughan, who is also a care worker revealed he has alerted his local museum and the coroner who will be ruling if the found ‘treasure’ is under the Treasure Act of 1996.
In this case, Mr. Vaughan would be legally obliged to offer it up for sale to any museum at a valued price set by a Treasure Valuation Committee.
Shockingly, the solid gold torc was as fresh as the day it was buried – around 4000 years ago

However, Gold torcs were once worn around the neck or wrist as jewelry. It’s a stunning gold used to display status and wealth, often being gifted to loved ones.