A business can only be alive when customers enjoy their services or products. But things get really finicky when the customers are playing borderline disrespectful and demanding, but companies typically don’t want to risk upsetting customers. But one can only bear so much.
These people have made it that they just couldn’t be respectful to the people who work and provide them the respect their deserve. From changing and leave a dirty diaper inside a restaurant but outside the toilet to throwing a cup filled with their urine to an employee, Green Lemon has compiled 40 people who really can’t keep themselves in check.
1. A local pet supply had to set a boundary.
2. This woman stole a cat. A. cat.
3. Do your pole dancing at the appropriate place.
4. A grown man threw drinks and bruised her back. That’s assault and he can be pressed for charges.
5. About 35 of these plastered, people who are not allowed on the property for various reasons.
6. Woman stole a tip jar.
7. Free board-games in a cafe gets destroyed in less than a week.
8. Girl writes fake horrible reviews with stock photos. She needs a cat. ASAP.
9. Stop being so gross, people.
10. Customer returned this saying it was too ripe. Proceeds to claim he hasn’t touched it.
11. Whose kid- fine.
12. Someone actually PISSED in there.
13. Vegan extremists have been abusing this shop that it has to close down for the safety of the families and staff.
14. Remember the people who went around opening buckets of ice to lick the top and put them back? This store has to lock their freezer.
15. Parents brought kids into this thrift store and basically wreak havoc.
16. Woman asking someone to tag to accompany her to shoplift.
17. She just ripped the leaves and dropped them on the floor until she finds a good one.
18. They wanted to try the spray paint at Ollies.
19. He has to chill at the coffee shop like this.
20. After they tested the outfits, they just left this Forever 21 store like this.
21. Customers giving negative tips.
22. This customer threw a cup with his pee because he’s enraged as the employee couldn’t let him use the employees’ only bathroom.
23. These nail polish bottles at a Target that is opened and used.
24. The small Buddha statues here get stolen all the time.
25. Couldn’t afford diapers, but enjoy drinking outside.
26. Parent lets toddler stand on the bar and play with the taps for 30 minutes.
27. This is a dog dish and someone decided to put out their cigarette here.
28. Someone didn’t want the frozen chicken breast so they just leave it wherever.
29. Someone left the tip like this for the servers.
30. It’s okay, just taking care of kid while shopping for adult toys.
31. Blocks handicap space with stroller, crushes cigarettes on the sidewalk and throwing them on the floor, basically one awful mother.
32. He’s tired, so why not sit on the raw chicken while chatting.
33. ‘Tips are only for normal looking people’ for this person.
34. THOT in the gas station ice machine.
35. A customer tried this on their dog and put it back.
36. Someone made a mess and just used tissues to deal with it.
37. She stole a bra and replace it with an old one. GROSS.