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40 Pictures Show That Australia Is The Land Of ‘NOPE’


40 Pictures Show That Australia Is The Land Of ‘NOPE’

Yeah, scratch Australia from my bucket list.

Australia is an amazing country that is recently an incredible improvement in its infrastructure. Aside from that, tourists and travelers will love to taste the wide variety of cuisine in this country. It’s also a country that is rich in biodiversity thanks to its climate and geographical location.

These creatures are also the reasons that Australia is a rich country but really, how does anyone have a good night rest when they know these creatures lurk around their house?!

Green Lemon has collected 40 things that, if you ever meet, and we pray you to don’t, will be things you’ll never forget for life.

1. This is a native megabat species in Australia called a Grey-headed flying fox.

40 Pictures Show That Australia Is The Land Of ‘NOPE’
Kristy Garbutt

2. Biggest python in Western Australia called Liasis olivaceus or olive python enjoying a crocodile (Crocodylus johnstoni) meal.

40 Pictures Show That Australia Is The Land Of ‘NOPE’

3. This lizard who’s so zealous in its house-to-house work.

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4. This scary hunstman spider isn’t dangerous and is a good housemate that gets rid of cockroaches.

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5. This is Roger Roo from Alice Springs. Kangaroos look muscled in general. Sadly, Roger Roo passed away this year.

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6. Can trees kill? Well, Araucaria Pine Cone has been reported to be the death cause of some people as it fell from the trees. It can weigh up to 10kgs.

40 Pictures Show That Australia Is The Land Of ‘NOPE’

7. This is Spider Frost located in Rural Victoria, Australia.

40 Pictures Show That Australia Is The Land Of ‘NOPE’

8. The carcass of a whale close to blowing up due to gas.

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Mark Watkins

9. This is Nifty the Saltwater Crocodile (Crocodylus Porosus) that you can meet in Darwin.

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10. An Australia bug that certainly takes space.

40 Pictures Show That Australia Is The Land Of ‘NOPE’

11. How to protect your electric meter from naughty hands?

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12. Extreme measures have to be taken.

40 Pictures Show That Australia Is The Land Of ‘NOPE’

13. These cane toads outsmarted a 3.5m python after a storm swept Kununurra.

40 Pictures Show That Australia Is The Land Of ‘NOPE’

14. Discovered in 2013, this big bright red slug (Triboniophorus aff. graeffei) can only be found around a dead volcano in Australia.

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15. When you think you’re high and realize that nature is crazier than you can ever think.

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16. More snakes.

40 Pictures Show That Australia Is The Land Of ‘NOPE’

17. Tricky gas filling.

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18. These are processionary caterpillars lining up to find a new food source and place to turn into moths. Why a line? So they look scary.

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19. Great! Let’s meet those cute lil babies before they turn into effective killers.

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20. Meanwhile, they have giant earthworms in Queensland, Australia.

40 Pictures Show That Australia Is The Land Of ‘NOPE’

21. You can die from wearing your shoes.

40 Pictures Show That Australia Is The Land Of ‘NOPE’

22. This armed or striped anemone (Dofleinia armata) can be found in Broome, Western Australia. These anemones cause sting injuries that last for months.

40 Pictures Show That Australia Is The Land Of ‘NOPE’

23. This tiny and seeming harmless snake from Australia is the world’s second most venomous snake. It’s inside a kid’s lunch box.

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Snake Catchers Adelaide

24. Once upon a day in a mangrove swamp in Australia…

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25. And even more snakes.

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26. Snakes: if they fit, they in.

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Meanwhile In Australia

27. This is a Goliath Stick making the bugs family proud.

40 Pictures Show That Australia Is The Land Of ‘NOPE’

28. NEVER DO THIS! This is a very venomous blue-ringed octopus. One bite will cause paralysis to your lungs which means you have to be given CPR and be put on a machine to help you breathe for the next 12 to 24 hours until the poison is naturally out of your system.

40 Pictures Show That Australia Is The Land Of ‘NOPE’

29. It’s probably a coastal python munching on a giant flying fox. And that dying hand of the bat is definitely not creepy.

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30. Imagine having these hailstones falling on your car… or your head.

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31. “Hi! 😀 Trick or treat?”

40 Pictures Show That Australia Is The Land Of ‘NOPE’

32. Just a spider, minding his own business.

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33. This is a termite mound which is equal to a 6.82 miles tall building in human scale. Mounds like this one can be found in northern Australia and they are stronger than cement.

40 Pictures Show That Australia Is The Land Of ‘NOPE’

34. No, you’re not high. This tree frog is feasting on a snake.

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35. The things you see that can scar you for life.

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36. The Ogre-faced spider uses their silk to make a net that they cast to unfortunate passing bugs.

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37. These are flies. What the hell happened here?

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38. A giant orb-weaver spider. Yes, they are giant!

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39. Black Portuguese Millipedes in southwestern Australia crawl out during winter.

40 Pictures Show That Australia Is The Land Of ‘NOPE’

40. It’s just a stick bug, yeah. Until you have one sticking on your leg in Australia.

40 Pictures Show That Australia Is The Land Of ‘NOPE’

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