40 Quirky Comics By Lovenstein For People Who Like Dark Humor
Filled with unexpected endings!
Dark Humor is not a new concept – introduced in 1953 by the French Surrealist, Andre Breton, it implied jokes, including themes considered as taboo or hard to discuss, while also often include a touch of irony.
A very good example will be the writing of Shakespeare, who viewed very tragic moments with a lighter side. And now, we have Mr. Lovenstein, who is also known for its dark humor paired with simple cartoon-ish drawings.
Mr. Lovenstien (J.L Westover – full name) is the brain behind the illustrations that mostly spark surprises as a result of its unexpected endings.
Featuring animals to hilarious tips and to random circumstances, we at Greenlemon believe his illustrations will assist you in getting through the piled work quicker.
Scroll down to check our dark memes comics compilation below.
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