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35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees


35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

They should never be allowed to manage a company.

One of the perks on not having to go to work is to not have to be physically around your annoying boss. Not all bosses are all-rounder jerks, but if yours is, not having to be around them is one thing you can appreciate.

But especially now, we need to be showing more compassion towards each other. Yet, there are still employers who fail to do so, even before the crisis comes down, they were already showing potentials to be horrible bosses. We can only imagine how bad they’re treating their employees right now.

“I work at a small coffee shop. My boss just absent-mindedly poured unroasted beans into a batch of roasted ones. Here’s us separating 10,000 beans…by hand.”

35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

Boss claims to be wearing his $50k green diamond ring to work. We’re laying asphalt.

35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

I brought a pecan pie to work and it went missing. Found it in my boss’ office a few hours later.

35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

Found this recording device installed under the table in break room at work.

35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

Yes, because we shouldn’t be connected to anyone. Such a cheapskate.

35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

Boss would rather do this than let workers take them home.

35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

Boss refuses to fix this structural pole.

35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

A shift manager got diagnosed with colon cancer and this sign came out a week later by the store manager.

35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

Boss hated the color of the chairs. So, now we’re supposed to stand during break time.

35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

I quit because of the unprofessional environment. Got this text from the supervisor.

35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

This single mom was mistreated and fired by the very boss she donated her kidney to.

35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

This drinking water filter that my boss says “doing its job still”.

35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

Boss decided to hold a meeting on my day off and wanted me to arrange the meeting room.

35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

Boss asked to fix the electrical problem. Well, I chose to live.

35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

Boss always says no. So, I made my own decision this time. Enjoying my feet in the sand and water.

35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

A co-worker left this note. Good for her.

35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

Boss ordering around for her favorite pens. Probably a bluff.

35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

A greedy boss makes the worst sign.

35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

Works for Fortune 500, boss gives only these. No Christmas bonus.

35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

Boss is forcing people to volunteer. He’s forcing people to not have a life like him.

35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

That’s my boss parking his car.

35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

I complained to my boss and he sent me this minutes later.

35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

I did a great job, so my boss deserves the tips.

35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

The artists of this tattoo shop left this note. They found a motion detector that records video in the toilet.

35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

Boss ordered for 6000 packets of pepper. I have to cut them all open on Saturday to season the burger.

35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

The more you order, the more expensive is the price per macaroon. The working manager said I wasn’t supposed to notice that.

35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

I was so happy about the $50 gift card for Walmart that was my ‘Christmas gift’. Until I saw it was deducted from my paycheck.

35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

My brother’s girlfriend’s workplace had a message from her boss.

35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

Boss had decided that we should work on dressers with sheets of glass while sitting in saddle chairs.

35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

This is at a multimillion dollar company and we’re not even facilitated with water.

35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

Boss thinks he’s dope by playing drag racing while driving a truck on the highway.

35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

“Boss, we need new tools”, “You just got new tools.”

35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

We’re working at the office at this temperature the way my boss keeps it.

35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

Just one day out of work and my boss had replaced the large monitor I work on to make prototype models and engravings on products with THIS.

35 Bosses Who Were Being Absolutely Jerk To Their Employees

“My boss seriously asked me this. Was back for an hour, now I’m looking for a new job.”

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