34 Traditional Wedding Attires From All Across The World
In all, the grooms look no less elegant than the brides!
If you reside in the western world, you definitely would have a clear image of the main couple in holy matrimony.
The brides naturally wear a white gown while the groom dons a black suit or perhaps color variation kind of fitted suits.
But regardless of how extravagant, they both can’t, however, beat some of the traditional wedding attires from across the world. As cultures and traditions vary from country to country, so do their wedding attires.
Some brides beautify themselves in colorful dresses, a few paint their hands and faces with local customs, while some equally hide their faces behind layers of veils.
Accordingly, not everyone, however, upholds these wedding traditions, but these listed attires surely provide an attractive insight into the numerous ways that differentiate people. Perhaps, you might find inspiration!
#1 China

#2 Indonesia

#3 India

#4 Ghana

#5 Nigeria

#6 Norway

#7 Scotland

#8 Ethiopia

#9 Pakistan

#10 Hawaii

#11 Malaysia

#12 South Korea

#13 Sri-Lanka

#14 Romania

#15 Japan

#16 Philippines

#17 Yemen

#18 Peru

#19 Italy

#20 Iraq

#21 Kazakhstani Bride

#22 Hutsuls Wedding In Ukrainian Carpathians

#23 Mongolian Bride

#24 Romanian Bride From Oas Region

#25 Traditional Wedding Costumes And Bridal Crown From Norway

#26 Matyo Bride From Hungary

#27 Traditional Wedding Costumes In Veliky Novgorod, Russia

#28 Hamar Woman In Traditional Dress

#29 Korean Traditional Royal Wedding Costumes

#30 Turkmen Bride

#31 Polish Wedding From The Lowicz Area

#32 Bedouin Wedding Veil In Israel

#33 Traditional Bride In Ribnovo Region In Southwest Bulgaria

#34 Avar Bride Wearing Traditional Costume