30 Times Women Called Out Men That Put Them In Awkward Situations
Hopefully, they learned something.
Why are men? That is the question that many women ask whenever faced with a situation that was purposely made to blame women. We should be living in a world of equality, but misogyny is still a serious issue that will take years to fix.
We are still at baby steps in forging a society that will accept women as equal to men. Unless men can reproduce by themselves, then they really should stop doing these embarrassing things. When will they not act like women are inferior?
These women bring up important questions in the “Female Dating Strategy” subreddit. Scroll on and see just how hilariously discriminative men are.
#1 Say It Louder For The People In The Back!!

#2 Poetic Justice

#3 Men Only Bringing The Audacity, Yet Again, To The Table!

#4 Some Men Need To Learn This

#5 Oops

#6 Lol

#7 That Really Puts It In Perspective

#8 “Nudes?” He Asked Hopefully

#9 Shrug

#10 Stop Normalizing Men’s Immaturity

#11 100% True For Me

#12 A Queen Grandmama

#13 Cracks Me Up Every Time

#14 They Will Always Make “Single Mothers” The Villains To Shift Blame From Male Predators Or Male Parental Child Neglect

#15 How Many Of You “Developed” Issues While In A Relationship? I’ll Go First: Depression And Anxiety. Cured As Soon As We Broke Up

#16 Keep It Real Out There

#17 Speaks For Itself

#18 Nothing But Truth

#19 I Got You, Babe

#20 Perfect Way To Deal With Their “Jokes”

#21 Hvm Right There. Take Note Scrotes

#22 This Almost Makes Me Want To Redownload Dating Apps To Do The Same!

#23 Be A Hvm In All Aspects Of Life

#24 Where Is The Lie?

#25 Why Are Males?

#26 Even A 35 Yo Man Has These Same Meltdowns But They’re The Logical S*x!!!

#27 Geee I Wonder Why

#28 The Message

#29 Leave Him In The Dust

#30 This Is Why We Can’t Even Trust The “Good” Guys