30 Times Bosses Acted Like Jerks To Their Employees
It’s hard to find a job, but some people choose to stay sane.
These days, there are still employers believing that just because they’re the ones who pay, they get to do whatever they want. That kind of thing is really old-school and you know, employees can always choose to just walk out of that establishment. Yeah, it’s a harsh time to find a job, but by no way would a person risk his sanity or life just for a meager salary they could get elsewhere minus an annoying boss.
Jokes on them.

They killed a guy.

Talking about subjective views.

Get ready for some poor performance, boss!

Yup, a beach it is.

They just want some snacks.

There’s a reason why your business doesn’t grow anymore.


Never give it to the kids. Make them work for it.

Oh, you just want us to have less off days? Let’s get everyone sick here.

It wasn’t bad just… completely ridiculous.

Don’t be such a jerk.

When they get criminal.

Stop shaking things up just to mark a position as yours.

Here we are having to learn to be mechanic and you’re enjoying a new car?

Give the IT people some love.

Why even bother asking?


Missing that nice old lady.

You think Chromebooks is the solution?

Time to leave.

Maybe stop spying on your worker?


It’s a call center. What the hell?

Why treat programmers like they don’t matter?

The irony.

Your workers are people who deserve happiness, too.

You want to talk? Let’s talk.

More job, no pay? Blegh.