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30 Scary Pics That Show The Other Side Of Mother Nature


30 Scary Pics That Show The Other Side Of Mother Nature

What do I live on this Earth?

Do you think people are scared of their knives and horror stories? Almost 90% of the legends we hear about killers and dead people are just that. Legends. But these pictures of nature show that these seeming unorganized, uncivilized creatures have way more scary in them than Slenderman stories.

Mother Nature: hold my beer.

This is how a group of bees kill a murder hornet – they raise their temperature and cook it alive.

30 Scary Pics That Show The Other Side Of Mother Nature

The ghost mantis resembles dead, withered leaves and go as dark as this one.

30 Scary Pics That Show The Other Side Of Mother Nature

Heard some noises on the roof this morning.

30 Scary Pics That Show The Other Side Of Mother Nature

This road was picked up by the storm.

30 Scary Pics That Show The Other Side Of Mother Nature

A chrysalis in the eye socket of a white skull.

30 Scary Pics That Show The Other Side Of Mother Nature

We can never know what exactly led to this situation.

30 Scary Pics That Show The Other Side Of Mother Nature

Noticed some of the shrimps are missing.

30 Scary Pics That Show The Other Side Of Mother Nature

Rare mutation on a octopus that causes its tentacles to branch.

30 Scary Pics That Show The Other Side Of Mother Nature

A Sphynx cat who lost his eyes.

30 Scary Pics That Show The Other Side Of Mother Nature

Victory pose when this guy won on his fight against a bird 10x times his size.

30 Scary Pics That Show The Other Side Of Mother Nature

This possum getting angry at a bald eagle.

30 Scary Pics That Show The Other Side Of Mother Nature

Ever wondered how whales sleep?

30 Scary Pics That Show The Other Side Of Mother Nature
Franco Banfi

A dead frog and spider.

30 Scary Pics That Show The Other Side Of Mother Nature

Imagine if you look inside the snake and see another head poking with its mouth gaping, showing another head with its mouth gaping.

30 Scary Pics That Show The Other Side Of Mother Nature
Julie-Anne O’Neill

This is a wood ear mushroom and we all clearly know how it got its name.

30 Scary Pics That Show The Other Side Of Mother Nature

This is the sandbox or Dynamite tree, because its fruits explodes when mature and sends seeds flying at 150mph. The tree itself has poisonous sap and the fruit is just as bad.

30 Scary Pics That Show The Other Side Of Mother Nature

Was in the middle of a zoom meeting.

30 Scary Pics That Show The Other Side Of Mother Nature
Irsal Tomasati

A harpy eagle’s talons are as huge as bears’ claws with legs as thick as a human’s wrist.

30 Scary Pics That Show The Other Side Of Mother Nature

The ice forming on this water looks like an eye.

30 Scary Pics That Show The Other Side Of Mother Nature

This snail eats toxic fumes from hydrothermal vents and grows organic iron plating coat.

30 Scary Pics That Show The Other Side Of Mother Nature

Friend went to India and she posted this with the caption, “It’s going well.”

30 Scary Pics That Show The Other Side Of Mother Nature

Always make sure to check all spots during tick season.

30 Scary Pics That Show The Other Side Of Mother Nature

Chances of you getting killed by frogs are low, but never zero.

30 Scary Pics That Show The Other Side Of Mother Nature

This is a cabbage field in Japan.

30 Scary Pics That Show The Other Side Of Mother Nature

On a scale of 1-10, what are the chances of you burning down your house when you see this?

30 Scary Pics That Show The Other Side Of Mother Nature

This gorgeous guy is from the Draco genus, known as flying lizards or dragons.

30 Scary Pics That Show The Other Side Of Mother Nature

The entrance to spider-verse.

30 Scary Pics That Show The Other Side Of Mother Nature

Mossy frogs.

30 Scary Pics That Show The Other Side Of Mother Nature
A Tree Frog Collective

A fight between a bald eagle and a grey wolf that looked kind of terrified captured on trail cam.

30 Scary Pics That Show The Other Side Of Mother Nature

Had to get through this door to get to my bedroom.

30 Scary Pics That Show The Other Side Of Mother Nature

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