30 Quirky Comics By Cameron Spires With A Dark Ending
Perfectly serving the fun goals.
Goattoself Comics by Artist Cameron Spires has ranked up among people’s favorite. The timing, including the dialogue, is a masterpiece and worth a comeback frequently. If you are new to this webcomic, Cameron is both an artist and copywriter from Canada and has, over time, been blending his unique illustration skills with a relatable sense of humor. Guess what? He doesn’t have an official background in comics, yet putting in efforts has made Cameron and his comics widely recognized.
You can only see it when he shows it to you. In the meantime, we’ve collated Cameron’s newest, and they do offer moments you wouldn’t stop laughing about. Enjoy!
More Info: Instagram


What originally aimed at making his classmates laugh-out-loud has now become an antidote for millions of people who appreciate his work. In creating his strips, Cameron takes notes of ideas (mostly from daily life) running his head and transforms them into hilarious-twisted comics. The perfect description for Cameron’s comics is “Endings You Never Know What’s Going To Happen Next.”


























