30 Privileges That Many People Don’t Even Realize Is One Until Mentioned
30 reasons to be thankful today as well.
It’s easy to be grateful for the life we have when we take it for granted. We often forget how we might be living a life that most people can only dream about. We are also living a considerably peaceful time compared to times when war was common. Technology has also made life so much more convenient, and medical healthcare has never been better.
It’s easy to forget that the simple, daily things we enjoy are dreams for others. Redditor Woo_loo asked people, “What’s a privilege that most people don’t realize is a privilege?” The answers may help us to be thankful for life a little bit more today.
“Having a roof over your head. Those that work jobs that don’t make a living wage have no means to provide for it. Thus they are forced into unsafe slums or having housemates.
Every day when I pull into my driveway I reflect on this daily. There is something to be said about the peace of mind knowing you have a welcoming home waiting for you once your done work.
Like many things we grow accustomed to having something with no expectations of change, this is something I’m always grateful and respectful of.” – anonymous
“Affordable healthcare.” – xXKillerRabbitXx
“Being able to hold the hand of your partner in public without harassment or the fear of something bad happening to you.” – weekendweeb
“No student loans. Don’t take it for granted guys.” – SJ21x
“Having a bed. When I was ages 8-11, my siblings and I had to sleep on the floor because we lived in a tiny one-bedroom apartment. I remember turning twelve and finally getting to sleep in my own bed after three years of not having one. It was euphoria.” – averyfragilegirl
“Being able to walk alone, especially at night, without any worry at all.” – llcucf80
“Being able to work from home.” – AlterEdward
“Having indoor plumbing.” – Evil-ish
“Waking up and just being able to see. What’s that like? No glasses, no contacts. Just wow.” – professional_amatuer
“Being able to complain about getting bored/not being able to socialize during a pandemic. If you’re able to flourish or even live comfortably during these times, that’s a privilege.” – TonyStark39
“Sleeping through the night.” – pressonshop2020
“Education. Where I’m from education is paid through (very high) taxes. We even “get paid” so we can focus on school and not being forced to drop out or take a giant student debt.” – ieatpotatoesraw_
“Being in countries where you are able to speak insults to, openly criticize or question authority without going to jail.” – Mardanis
“Living without constant physical pain. The idea that most people just exist without nonspecific pain is baffling to me.” – booklovinggal19
“Being able to live with your parents past the age of 18.” – anonymous
“Being healthy instead of disabled and chronically ill.” – jesusislord67
“Having a family that loves you. I grew up in a pretty loving family. It was somewhat dysfunctional, to be sure, but my mother loves me as does my sister. So did my grandparents. We were always a close family and we helped each other when possible. We were always supportive too.
I went to school with people whose parents couldn’t have [cared] less about them. I mean straight up, just didn’t give a [damn] if their kids lived or died. If your parents actively tried to keep you off drugs and off the streets and were emotionally supportive and not abusive, count your blessings.” – CDC_
“Having pets. So many people discard them like they’re playthings over the most mundane reasons.” – Tarantulette
“Being a person of average height.” – sumitsaxon
“Being conventionally beautiful. It gets you more than dates. It influences prison sentences; attractive people are less likely to get convicted, and more likely to get lighter sentences when they are convicted.
Job interviews, assessments of intelligence, and academic performance are all biased to favor good-looking people. They are also more likely to benefit from kindness from strangers.” – IdaBaldwin
“Not knowing what war actually is like.” – Man-X98
“Fresh water from the tap. Imagine living in rural Africa. Or Flint, Michigan.” – gozba
“Having friends.” – Famasitos
“Having an emotionally mature parent.” – anonymous
“Being able to read.” – dahopppa
“A hot shower every day.” – hoppenstedts
“My partner has to use IV nutrition because her stomach muscles don’t work properly preventing her from digesting food. Until I met her, I never considered being able to eat as something I’m lucky to have.” – whatsmynamefrancis69
“Honestly, memory. When Alzheimer’s hits, your brain is basically dead. That disease is heartbreaking for every party involved.” – daniscooked
“Not having social anxiety. Imagine how breezy life must be. The amount of effort I have to put into doing normal things like checking out at the grocery store is incredible. I keep telling people that I got better over the years, but it’s not so much that social interactions get less scary but more like I’m better at getting ready for said social interaction… or better at pretending that I’m uh, “normal.” I’m almost 30 and I still feel like a seven-year-old whose mom left them at the grocery line to grab something real quick.” – Kuneria
“Feeling safe in your own home. Not worrying about rats, mice, roaches, bed bugs, bricks being thrown through windows, violence outside, break-ins.” – soccer_trekkie