30 People Who didn’t Get The Joke And Made The Situation Hilariously Awkward
What did you mean?
Some of us fail to get jokes, it happens. On the Internet, people like to be sarcastic in jokes or making subtle comments on things. There’s always that one person who innocently answered or ‘corrected’ the obvious comment. Those are big brain moments where they probably will never know they’ve been r/wooosh really hard.
Sure, not all of us have spent an equal amount of time on the Internet. But to save all of us from the embarrassment, let’s learn some precious lessons from these fallen warriors below.
Chernobyl facts.

Oh really!


Screwed his Tinder match.

So slow they’re… invisible.
Modern problems.



The ‘muricans.

The elements table.

What’s going on here?

Selling a deer.
He’s alone.

They’re both stupid.

That’s New York.
He speaks Spanish, looks Spanish to me.

IQ 30000.

Well, duh.

She still processing.

Pringles holder.
Who’s a spinach here?

So, are you in?
It hasn’t hit him yet.

Nice try, dad.

Respect the law.