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30 Of The Dumbest Things Men Have Said About Women And Their Bodies


30 Of The Dumbest Things Men Have Said About Women And Their Bodies

It’s so ridiculous, it’s just hilarious at this point.

Some men refuse to talk to actual women and girls before they spout some things. A society that is built on patriarchy has such a skewed mindset about women’s roles. They imagine them to be this different species that only experts in housework, and if they have blue hair, they’re “warning off predators.”

We’ve shared the most ridiculous memes and claims by men from the ‘Not How Girls Work‘ subreddit. What were they fed with as a baby? Did they grow up around radioactive materials? How is it so hard to perceive that women are not that different and there’s Google to find out about the things you don’t know about?

And to further infuriate you, here are some things women have to put up with. But they really shouldn’t have to.

How about let women wear what they feel comfortable in?

30 Of The Dumbest Things Men Have Said About Women And Their Bodies

Keep reading.

30 Of The Dumbest Things Men Have Said About Women And Their Bodies

Women with bright, unnatural hair colors.

30 Of The Dumbest Things Men Have Said About Women And Their Bodies

The legacy and heritage of the west.

30 Of The Dumbest Things Men Have Said About Women And Their Bodies

No more blaming them for what they wore.

30 Of The Dumbest Things Men Have Said About Women And Their Bodies


30 Of The Dumbest Things Men Have Said About Women And Their Bodies

Where was this man when school was open?

30 Of The Dumbest Things Men Have Said About Women And Their Bodies

Control your cycles, women.

30 Of The Dumbest Things Men Have Said About Women And Their Bodies

Never, it’s never comfortable.

30 Of The Dumbest Things Men Have Said About Women And Their Bodies

Is this why you’re single?

30 Of The Dumbest Things Men Have Said About Women And Their Bodies

Please, go outside.

30 Of The Dumbest Things Men Have Said About Women And Their Bodies

Who taught these men?!

30 Of The Dumbest Things Men Have Said About Women And Their Bodies

Wh- huh?

30 Of The Dumbest Things Men Have Said About Women And Their Bodies

Right, so only men can go to the bar.

30 Of The Dumbest Things Men Have Said About Women And Their Bodies

This gotta be satire.

30 Of The Dumbest Things Men Have Said About Women And Their Bodies

How do tattoos and piercings define someone’s lifestyle?

30 Of The Dumbest Things Men Have Said About Women And Their Bodies

How about… no?

30 Of The Dumbest Things Men Have Said About Women And Their Bodies

Chill, that’s just red dye.

30 Of The Dumbest Things Men Have Said About Women And Their Bodies

Very weird man.

30 Of The Dumbest Things Men Have Said About Women And Their Bodies

And says who they were doing it for the men?

30 Of The Dumbest Things Men Have Said About Women And Their Bodies

Patriarchy needs to go.

30 Of The Dumbest Things Men Have Said About Women And Their Bodies


30 Of The Dumbest Things Men Have Said About Women And Their Bodies

What kind of Sci-fi crap is this?!

30 Of The Dumbest Things Men Have Said About Women And Their Bodies

So you can’t handle their high standards?

30 Of The Dumbest Things Men Have Said About Women And Their Bodies

This is why you need to talk to actual women, not learn from erotica books.

30 Of The Dumbest Things Men Have Said About Women And Their Bodies

That is not how metabolism works.

30 Of The Dumbest Things Men Have Said About Women And Their Bodies

An old cartoon.

30 Of The Dumbest Things Men Have Said About Women And Their Bodies

Grandma’s PC, maybe.

30 Of The Dumbest Things Men Have Said About Women And Their Bodies

How could you spend so much time making this but not communicating with actual women?

30 Of The Dumbest Things Men Have Said About Women And Their Bodies


30 Of The Dumbest Things Men Have Said About Women And Their Bodies

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