30 Hilarious Instagram Edits That People Insist To Be Real
Reality hit them hard.
Social media like Instagram is the perfect place to escape reality and that is a good thing to do from time to time. But some people thought that it’s a great place to upload something that isn’t real and insist that it is. Even though all people can see are horribly edited pictures to turn the face and body into something ‘ideal’.
Seriously, though, it’s too much for us and Reddit actually has a sub dedicated to it. ‘Instagram Reality’ has all your Instagram nightmares turned to reality and beware: you might not be able to sleep tonight. Green Lemon serves you the top 30 worst of them all.
1. Imagine The Sims brought to reality.

2. Umm… why?

3. It’s so horrible, this is actually hilarious.

4. He’s a legend with serious body deformation.

5. What you ordered vs. What you get.

6. This looks very creepy.

7. Yeah, someone is getting fired for a second right hand and unnatural face.

8. The intensity of his gaze is… penetrating.

9. She needs ‘Steering Wheel 101’.

10. Definitely convincing abs.

11. You will be shocked, but her reality looks closer to the one on the LEFT. That’s one badly edited crow’s feet!

12. One does not simply create this abhorrent picture.

13. Mirror, mirror on the wall… Which part of her is the realest of all?

14. Where to start…

15. Someone’s desperate on staying relevant and exist.

16. Everything distorted with Kylie Jenner.

17. This woman must have been a spirit with no reflections.

18. And then this woman who insisted that she’s both, unedited.

19. That waist is not normal, nor is the shadow.

20. What day and night can do to this woman (except for the tip of her nose).

21. That mirror speaks the truth.

22. ‘Ugly sweater dinner date’ caption cannot even begin to justify the nightmare in this picture.

23. Could have been 2 mannequins. Nope, they are real humans, edited.

24. Stop using that smooth/rosy effect excessively. Your tongue looks freaky.

25. MUA says this was Christmas inspired makeup, flat out denies it was edited.

26. I didn’t even realise it was her when scrolling by.

27. A trending beauty challenge got women looking like this.

28. It looks like he legit copy-pasted the exact same face.

29. The whole setting is already weird. It was worsened with the edit.

30. The same girl who flat out denies it was edited. One does not change shape of the eyes through makeup.