30 Hilariously Adorable Bird Posts You Don’t Want To Miss
Getting myself a bird now.
Birds and dogs, which one is better? While birds can’t run across the hall on your call, birds can sing and act like the best kind of dorks ever. They think birdbrains are insults, until you meet a talking parrot that made you meow back thinking that was your cat.
Birds are awesome, they aren’t letting you say otherwise. Get ready for the best bird posts ever from the internet.
Husband confirmed Disney Prince.

He’s infiltrating.

Inside the daily life of birds.

Wet and grump. A mood.

The omen birb.

It’s okay.

A civil war.

An occupied sit.

Epic winged eyeliner.

Bird figured out how to sit and sleep.

Timeout, what?

Now you may speak your vowl.

This is how we weigh caught owls at bird banding station. Owlburrito.

It’s obvious you’re supposed to feed more.

Danny DeVito as a bird.

I don’t want a new bird because they only bond with and never want anything to do with me.

Solid plot to a good story.


Hawk couldn’t have cared less.

Who wouldn’t with that awesome look?

Train your bird! Duh.

A phone thief!

Proud momma and newborn baby bird.

Good girl sleeping in time.

The owl drill.

This is a majestic snowy egret. It was a windy day.

This bird that just decided to land on our cat.

Popsicle-inspired birb.

Pretty sure that’s not a hawk.

Melts together with our heart.