30 Hilarious Moments Captured At The Right Time
Such amazing shots!
People probably talk about the camera when it comes to professional photography talks. Others talk about the technique and the right settings for the right situation. But many photographers will tell you that hunting for the right timing is the hardest of all. The best images are often the ones captured without planning.
A lot of these images were captured when not even the photographers themselves realized what they were doing. It was simply the right people in the right place at the right time.
This alien-level perfect-timing.

Extreme hairdo.

A beautiful sunset by the pier.

Took a random picture of my mom when this came out.

Cat got a six-pack!

Wait is that eagle…?

How does it feel to have a beer towel, we wonder.

The holy toilet.
Took a perfect picture as my brother jumped and this looks divine.

Found the truck stealing the sunset!

Dad’s amazing reflex.

This beautiful image of the wave right before it breaks.

That phantom hairdo.

That perfect timing with the TV.

A picture of a firefighter from Peru.

When you used white on your eyes and your eyes were actually closed in the picture.

If you line up 14 wind turbines in a single row.

Chief Vitamin Water watching over his area.

Kid trying out what mom wears.

A plane flying through the rainbow as the lightning strikes.

Meanwhile in Tel Aviv, Israel, the guys…

His earbuds’ tangled like a treble clef.

Captured a trout as it caught a mayfly seconds before the water tension breaks.

Put my feet up while watching TV and then this happens.

Substitute teacher’s internal screaming.

Well, well, look who just went by!

Light through the trees.

She is comin’!

Got a picture of the fire pit and it actually looks like Peter Pan with Tinkerbell.

As the bumblebee lands on sun.