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30 Pics Show How Popular Cartoon Characters Look In Real Life


30 Pics Show How Popular Cartoon Characters Look In Real Life

Better than the original!

The practice of cosplaying has its roots traced to the 15th century, where people dressed up as historical figures, famous characters, and objects. Cosplay aims to portray a character using a mixture of costumes, accessories, props, and wigs. Before now, both cosplaying and comics had been recognized as uncool, but in today’s world, the cosplay community in specific has grown more prominent than ever. More people are getting involved, and cosplay itself is becoming more lucrative.

Top-tier of Cosplayers have made cosplaying a career, and interestingly, they get paid to attend cons, dress up and promote brands. Yearly, thousands of die-hard fans gather at different festivals, including the Comic-Con, to flaunt their costumes, having spent weeks to months designing them.

#1 Mysterious Ladybug!

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#2 Grandma and her beloved pet dog.

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#3 This iconic sexy chick will make everybody look at her twice.

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Open to people of all genders and expressions, cosplaying welcomes the practice of cross-dressing or gender-swapping, and irrefutably, the results have been outstanding. Popular in South Korea, Russia, China, and the United States, Japan seems to uphold cosplaying as part of their culture. We’ve compiled some of the top 30 cosplay costumes ever, and they’re sure to entertain you. Have a glance!

#4 Not just your typical schoolgirl, is she?

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#5 Similar down to every edge!

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#6 The real one looks so much better, we all have to agree.

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#7 Velma, oh girl, no one ever knew you were such a beauty.

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#8 And look at the eldest foster girl from Gru!

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#9 She slayed it.

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#10 We’ve always knew that Ben was a hottie.

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#11 That skin color is right on spot.

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#12 Gosh, adorable little lamb!

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#13 When you see that couple across the street…

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#14 And the world is going to be ruled by babies!

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#15 Not just any woman can cosplay her!

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#16 Pretty puppy became a slaying queen.

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#17 And you lady, has got some nice mask there.

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#18 You’d actually see her walking down the street during the 90s.

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#19 So, we’ve never expected the cosplay version to be this stunning.

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#20 That series when Bugs Bunny got their chance to appear in 3D. (though, what was the skull supposed to be?)

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#21 Okay, didn’t expect a hottie, but maybe I’m in love with this gu- I mean character.

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#22 Got that smug on ya face.

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#23 That eye though.

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#24 This cosplay is super easy, except the part where you have to look for a guy that actually fit his character.

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#25 Now, she doesn’t look that annoying anymore, does she?

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#26 Nailed the hair.

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#27 Aww, sweet couple cosplaying as a couple.

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#28 Fairy Oodparents are back!

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#29 The evil stepmother looks pretty nasty.

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#30 Burn, baby, burn.

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