30 Hilarious Comics With Unusual Endings By Ryan Pagelow
Way too cute!
We are never too old to love cute things. It is simply a matter of preference, after all, just like how some people prefer their coffee sweet. Comics by Buni are almost always super adorable to read. They make you feel fluffy and happy, but they are not your typical love stories.
The princess can be in love with another princess because the Chicago-based Ryan Pagelow who made these comics is that kind of person. He loves taking a spin of cult-classic stories and make people smile with his original ideas. His comics’ main character is Buni, a bunny that stands on two feet with long black ears. But he often features other characters as well.
Unfortunately, Ryan likes to make Buni go through a series of unfortunate events. As others find their happiness, maybe Buni will too one day?
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