30 Hilarious Comics From ‘Cphigson’ That Draw The Absurdity Of Our Lives
Either way, you gotta laugh.
Art is one way to express oneself! If there isn’t sufficient emotional energy for an extensive conversation, directing them into comics can greatly help. Not only has art help to depict the perils of today’s society, but it has also lent a platform to laugh out loud at the absurdity of our lives. The webcomic cphigson on Instagram by Charlie Higson offers a slew of perfect illustrations to interrupt the messier side of everyday life.
There’s the ideal that we all strive toward, and then there’s the self-sabotaging that’s counted when expectations aren’t met. Artist Charlie burrows into the modern world and finds the hilarious in everything from money problems, anxiety, self-reflection, and relationship, among others. Have a look, enjoy! While Charlie’s comics partly deal with depression, it remains a guarantee that reading through this compilation (the artist’s latest) will be a fun ride.
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