30 Amazing Moments People Experience Pareidolia And Shared What They Saw
Did you see someone or something in these images?
Pareidolia happens when the human brain encounters a sight that is so familiar to your memories. It is also highly influenced by the situation you’re in, for example, if you feel threatened, you are always on high alert and perceive everything as a danger, such as a tree as a human being.
Pareidolia happens a lot and it’s pretty normal! In fact, this happens a lot to creative people who keep seeing what others don’t in things. And Green Lemon has compiled 30 of the most fascinating pareidolia shown by fellow creative Internet users.
1. Look at these beautiful fairies!

2. Thought she had a Muppet head.

3. These rocks formed as if a mom is breastfeeding her baby

4. Stop laughing, reveal to me what’s going on.

5. Hard not to believe in them.

6. What a horrifying sight…

7. This pigeon pooped an image of itself.

8. Pulled off the door handle and we’re both shocked.

9. This chair is mood.

10. Do you see that lion with his sunglasses on?

11. Once upon a time, there was a Great While Lizard…

12. The egg exploded while boiling and it has the shape of a snail.

13. Found a dragon.

14. Another dragon head in this driftwood.

15. What a cute do- wait, this wall is rusty.

16. This ashy potato that looks it’s done with life. Same.

17. The cupcake overflowed, but it now looks like a cute baby elephant.

18. These switches have seen things in the dark.

19. Hi, Sid.

20. Bruh is excited since he’s flying (stuck).

21. This orange has been blessed.

22. What a beautiful moment.

23. Time to find out my classification. Will it be Griffindor?

24. I have two dogs. One of them is on its ear.

25. Look at teeny-tiny cat!

26. This car that seems to be saying it’s fine, but it’s actually not.

27. A crocodile peeked out from the drink… let’s hope it’s just the bubbles.

28. That’s a beautiful mountain and who is standing right in front of the sun?

29. They must have had an amazing night dancing.

30. The derpiest T-Rex cactus ever.