30 Advice That Sounded Ridiculous But Turns To Be Really Useful In Real Life
They may not make much sense now, but they will at one point in your life.
Advice coming from people of age can sound weird and sometimes even useless. A lot of us thought because time has changed so these advice of people from 30 years ago wouldn’t work on us. But in reality, there are some things that have yet changed even after when times change.
From how to be happy in life to avoiding regrettable decisions and life, here are 30 advice you may want to keep for yourself as well. They may sound ridiculous, but remember, they will work in time and you’ll know when.

Choose your activities wisely.

This health advice is real.

Financial management.

If it’s not nice, don’t say it.

Loving yourself one step at a time.

Happy moments that build up into a happy life.

Never be too scared to ask.

Breaking addiction.

Effectively doing house chores.

Listen with the intention to understand.

Tips to get out of anxiety.

This too shall pass and tomorrow will at least be different.

On working with bolts.

Compliment people.

You’ll live going at one or two seconds late.

Your life quality depends on these.

Fill it all the way up.

Stay relaxed and calm.

People like honesty.

Clean space for clean mind.

When you’re grateful, you feel happier.

Clean house before leaving.

Keep it positive.

To-do list to help you focus.

Floss more.

Break the cheap tools to figure out if you really need it.

Don’t procrastinate.

Long-lasting relationship tip.

It’s okay to be scared. It’s normal.