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28 People Who Didn’t Do The Math And Made People Facepalm Hilariously


28 People Who Didn’t Do The Math And Made People Facepalm Hilariously

Between being bad at math and just lacking common sense.

Nobody loves maths, at least most of us who didn’t go to sign up for engineering. But that shouldn’t mean that we forfeit logic altogether and spout numbers however we see fit. You probably have no idea what we meant, but we’re talking about people who speak of numbers like they didn’t know how multiplications work.

We make math mistakes sometimes, and that’s why the calculator was invented. It’s just regrettable that some people decided to share their math ‘prowess’ online. With the surging numbers of high as they type out nonsensical calculations, the subreddit ‘They Didn’t Do The Math’ was born.

As you can guess, this subreddit is just filled with people who didn’t do the math. Nobody, not even the President, is free from being criticized for their math ability. Or using the right expressions containing it.

This is why you listen to teachers, kids. Again, don’t skip your class, especially math. Also, listen when your parents teach you common sense before you end up as a top post in this subreddit. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk and scroll on.

“A penny a day for a year will get you nowhere…”

28 People Who Didn't Do The Math And Made People Facepalm Hilariously

“At least they tried.”

“Quick maths.”

28 People Who Didn't Do The Math And Made People Facepalm Hilariously


28 People Who Didn't Do The Math And Made People Facepalm Hilariously

“Tipping ain’t a city in China.”

28 People Who Didn't Do The Math And Made People Facepalm Hilariously

“Centaur proportions.”

28 People Who Didn't Do The Math And Made People Facepalm Hilariously

“Ah yes, calculation.”

“Communicative property is anger.”

“When did free become so expensive?”

28 People Who Didn't Do The Math And Made People Facepalm Hilariously

“What a genius.”

28 People Who Didn't Do The Math And Made People Facepalm Hilariously

“Seems right to me…”

28 People Who Didn't Do The Math And Made People Facepalm Hilariously

“How do I take advantage of this special?”

28 People Who Didn't Do The Math And Made People Facepalm Hilariously

“Ah yes, the 500 people population of the U. S.”

28 People Who Didn't Do The Math And Made People Facepalm Hilariously

“Seems about right.”

28 People Who Didn't Do The Math And Made People Facepalm Hilariously

“Makes sense.”

28 People Who Didn't Do The Math And Made People Facepalm Hilariously

“Yay! We all win…”

“So close.”

28 People Who Didn't Do The Math And Made People Facepalm Hilariously

“Fox is making up numbers.”

28 People Who Didn't Do The Math And Made People Facepalm Hilariously

“Small brain moment.”

“How many trips back to the store?”

“Once a day for whole year.”

28 People Who Didn't Do The Math And Made People Facepalm Hilariously

You’d wish this wasn’t real.

28 People Who Didn't Do The Math And Made People Facepalm Hilariously


28 People Who Didn't Do The Math And Made People Facepalm Hilariously

“Not age appropriate.”

28 People Who Didn't Do The Math And Made People Facepalm Hilariously


28 People Who Didn't Do The Math And Made People Facepalm Hilariously

“Please explain… yes…”

28 People Who Didn't Do The Math And Made People Facepalm Hilariously

“Not sure that’s how that works…”

28 People Who Didn't Do The Math And Made People Facepalm Hilariously

“Only 4% of the people wash their hands?”

28 People Who Didn't Do The Math And Made People Facepalm Hilariously

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