28 Math Jokes That Only A Select Few Can Understand
Too intellectual for you?
Intellectual jokes. When people crack these jokes based on learned knowledge, it really feels satisfying to get them. There will be very many people who can’t understand these jokes. Why math? Did you guys actually pay attention to class when they teach arithmetic and the scary numbers?
If you think math is boring, these jokes are definitely not for you. Math can be interesting and even funny! Like how memes and jokes are made based on pop cultures, these are made based on math formulas and symbols. Now, will you laugh dryly at these in confusion or be a proud mathematician at the end of the article?
Accountant needed.


“You’re welcome.”

“They said math can be found in nature.”

“It’s irrational.”

“Wait, what?”

“No one, absolutely no one.”

“Aaahhh… You stupid thing.”

Tan line.

“My dad’s attempt at a math joke.”

“He’s in trouble.”

“My intellect is almost frightening.”

“Simple Geometry Shapes.”

“I love it but I wish they kept going with a few more pi digits.”

“That’s a whole lot of strawberries.”

“Tanning with the boys.”


“It’s very simple.”

“I’m so full.”

“Big sad.”

“Just why?”

“Turning all odds into even.”

“Cheesy joke.”

“Uh oh.”

Half-off haircuts.

“Happy 1st birthday.”

What do mathematicians do all day?