28 Hilarious Kids Who Surely Know What They Want Out Of Life
These kids are probably genius.
We’re serious. These kids get pretty specific about what they want in life and have priorities set so straight, we know they’re going places. Of course, a lot of parents would be worried about them, but don’t be. Your kids are pretty honest and straightforward in what they want to be.
Dream big, achieve big. Just make sure to not be hungry or be disturbed when you’re having fried chicken or hot dogs. Get a wife and wear a sweater all the time when you’re 100, you’ve got life planned well, boys!
May I have your crossbow if you die? This is a note my 11-year-old brother-in-law.

Kids showing what they want to be when they grow up.

Albert living his life.

That is one lucky wife.

This boy had just fully understood the power of his small recliner.

It’s about standing firm in your belief.

This is one ambitious kid.

Kid catching up with aunt ever since she could write her own name.

Such a polite, but still honest kid!

Inside a 4-star resort at the heart of South Beach and this kid…

So, Dr. King told us to dream big.

Whoever won’t be proud of this introvert in the making.

The 3rd graders were writing about what will be their goals this year.

Solid life advice coming from a kid who just checked out this room.

My nephew, a 5-year-old, wrote his favorite vegetables. Couldn’t have relate with a kid more than this.

Graham has a realistic dream. Be like Graham.

Daughter has quite the wild dream for her future. A homeless? A cavewoman?

“You need to ring the school and tell them I’ve got polio.”

Letter from neighbor’s kid with a good suggestion.

Nephew is 8 and was doing his homework.

Girl with priorities.

Lawyer dad received a contract from kid.

Daughter, 3, made her teacher wrote this letter.

Relationship goals found on a note in an 8th grade classroom.

Students wrote their life goals. Here’s one of the kids’.

An army of yorkies.

This legit conspiracy theory from a kid in class.

Was helping wife grading some papers and came across a gem.