27 People Share Brain Fart Moments That Are Totally Hilarious
It’s okay, take your time.
Raw toast? Good ol’ water on face? Triangle food with toppings? We’ve had brain fart moments that made us forget the most common words. Bilinguals also have it hard, forgetting the word in mother language and having to use English to explain. But hey, you’re not alone and it’s actually pretty common!
Some of these people have had those hilarious moments and shared them on the internet. But please make sure to get yourself checked if you’re forgetting more words than ever, including the names of your loved ones.
Farewell, cruel world!


Do you like [inserts a million ways of misspelling spaghetti].

On food preferences.

Boy niece.

Anyone like pizza?

A frog. He has a frog.

Such a dork.

Pancake sauce.

Breathn’t. Asthma.

Teeth man. Better debtist that gives you debt.
Phineas and Ferb approves?

‘I’ before ‘E’.


Liquid zoo.

Less Bien.

Water hungry.


Eggo Walfools.

Unsleeping is so unfun.

A whole debacle.

Unseals, the pea wall things.

Raw toast.

Chipotle gone wrong.

Definitely not.


Very excited.