25 Wildlife Photography Award Finalists And Their Amazing Photo Entries
People get the chance to vote the best wildlife photograph out of entries handpicked from all over the world.
Just a few months ago, the best Wildlife photographer of the year 2019 was announced. Mr.Yongqing Bao bagged the well-deserved title as the world showered him with congratulatory messages. His winning photograph titled “The Moment” showcases a young fox and a marmot in a moment of life and death. As mother fox bared its teeth driven by hunger pangs, the shock on the marmot’s face who just woke up from hibernation won everyone’s heart, it wasn’t so hard for the jury to declare it the best snap.
This time around, people will get to vote for and decide which is the best photograph. Wildlife Photographer of the Year contest just announced the 25 finalists of its LUMIX People’s Choice Award and you can vote for the best photograph. The Natural History Museum selected some of the best photographs from all over the world that didn’t make it to the finals of the first competition and gave fans the chance to choose their fan favorite.
From predators hunting prey to animals in captivity, the images are a good reflection of the many aspects of our nature. The voting deadline is on Tuesday 4 February 2020, so fans have plenty of time to think and vote for their ultimate best.
#1 “Station Squabble”, Sam Rowley, UK

#2 “The Surrogate Mother”, Martin Buzora, Canada

#3 “Winter’s Tale”, Valeriy Maleev, Russia

#4 “Mother Knows Best”, Marion Vollborn, Germany

#5 “Tender Play”, Steve Levi, USA

#6 “Trustful”, Ingo Arndt, Germany

#7 “Inquisitive”, Audun Rikardsen, Norway

#8 “What A Poser”, Clement Mwangi, Kenya

#9 “The Unwelcome Visitor”, Salvador Colvée Nebot, Spain

#10 “Training Session”, Stefan Christmann, Germany

#11 “Matching Outfits”, Michel Zoghzoghi, Lebanon

#12 “Teamwork”, Jake Davis, USA

#13 “A Suitable Gift”, Marco Valentini, Italy

#14 “Dressed For Dawn”, Csaba Tökölyi, Hungary

#15 “Spot The Reindeer”, Francis De Andres, Spain

#16 “Family Get-Together”, Michael Schober, Austria

#17 “The Humpback Calf”, Wayne Osborn, Australia

#18 “Beak To Beak”, Claudio Contreras Koob, Mexico

#19 “Big Ears”, Valeriy Maleev, Russia

#20 “Captive”, Marcus Westberg, Sweden

#21 “A Pulsing Sea”, David Doubilet, USA

#22 “Bon Appétit”, Lucas Bustamante, Ecuador

#23 “Ocean´s Signature”, Angel Fitor, Spain

#24 “Meeting Place”, Yaz Loukhal, France

#25 “Losing The Fight”, Aaron Gekoski, UK