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25 Times Service Workers Share Hilariously Trashy Stories About Tipping


25 Times Service Workers Share Hilariously Trashy Stories About Tipping

They didn’t tip and had the audacity to be rude about it.

Trash stories about tipping, you can easily guess that most of them didn’t get a single cent out of some customers. Which is kind of okay – we know some tourists and countries don’t adopt the same culture or habit. We also know that maybe that person was really financially tied and couldn’t spend more.

But when it comes to not tipping, the last thing people want to see is you being a douchebag about it. Thus, the ‘tips’ that these people left behind really deserve some recognition in the ‘Trashy’ subreddit where people can’t stop cussing at how some people couldn’t keep their thoughts to themselves.

“The absolute worst way to leave a sh**ty tip for anyone.”

25 Times Service Workers Share Hilariously Trashy Stories About Tipping

“Saw this in another subreddit I thought it belonged here too.”

25 Times Service Workers Share Hilariously Trashy Stories About Tipping

“No tip on a $140 bill… does the reasoning she gives justify this?”

25 Times Service Workers Share Hilariously Trashy Stories About Tipping

“Treating a server like this is trashy.”

25 Times Service Workers Share Hilariously Trashy Stories About Tipping

“The ‘tip’ my friend got.”

25 Times Service Workers Share Hilariously Trashy Stories About Tipping

“A Facebook friend proudly posts lack of tipping and creating a mess for the server.”

25 Times Service Workers Share Hilariously Trashy Stories About Tipping

“Wouldn’t let him underage drink so he didn’t tip…”

25 Times Service Workers Share Hilariously Trashy Stories About Tipping

“Let me just not get paid.”

25 Times Service Workers Share Hilariously Trashy Stories About Tipping

“What a disgusting way to not tip.”

25 Times Service Workers Share Hilariously Trashy Stories About Tipping

Talking about constructive criticism.

25 Times Service Workers Share Hilariously Trashy Stories About Tipping

“Kyle Massey not tipping his server and laughing about it. Then his girlfriend posts it on her story to show it off.”

25 Times Service Workers Share Hilariously Trashy Stories About Tipping

“Here’s a TIP, it’s trashy as hell to leave fake money as a tip that advertises your candidate.”

25 Times Service Workers Share Hilariously Trashy Stories About Tipping

“Table of 7 that came in 30 minutes before closing. They were the last table in the restaurant and got everything they asked for from me this is how they repaid that service.”

25 Times Service Workers Share Hilariously Trashy Stories About Tipping

“From my friends’ server group. This was given by a 6 top instead of a tip.”

25 Times Service Workers Share Hilariously Trashy Stories About Tipping

“Your tip is that because of me, you still have YOUR FREEDOM™.”

25 Times Service Workers Share Hilariously Trashy Stories About Tipping

“Our Town has a FB page called ‘Nosey Asses of…’ This was posted today.”

25 Times Service Workers Share Hilariously Trashy Stories About Tipping

“Tipping fake money.”

25 Times Service Workers Share Hilariously Trashy Stories About Tipping

“Leaving this for your waitress, who has no say in the mask mandate.”

25 Times Service Workers Share Hilariously Trashy Stories About Tipping

Uh, time is the same for everyone.

25 Times Service Workers Share Hilariously Trashy Stories About Tipping

“Left on my co-workers table.”

25 Times Service Workers Share Hilariously Trashy Stories About Tipping

“Thanks for your service, I guess.”

25 Times Service Workers Share Hilariously Trashy Stories About Tipping

“What my coworker was given tonight.”

25 Times Service Workers Share Hilariously Trashy Stories About Tipping

“Have a blessed day.”

25 Times Service Workers Share Hilariously Trashy Stories About Tipping

“I was tipped at Wisconsin state fair, I don’t get paid enough to deal with this.”

25 Times Service Workers Share Hilariously Trashy Stories About Tipping

“While we were at Olive Garden last night, my friend found this on the ground and wanted to leave it as a tip… So she did this.”

25 Times Service Workers Share Hilariously Trashy Stories About Tipping

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