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25 Hilarious Adult Facts That People Only Understand Much Later


25 Hilarious Adult Facts That People Only Understand Much Later

Gosh… Why am I awake again?

As kids, we enjoy our time out and hanging out with friends. We know our parents tried their best to keep us in bed, but all we wanted to do was play! Now, 10 to 20 years later after those days, all we want is to get some precious nap time. Who the hell thinks it’s great to play all the time?

Adulthood can really hit people hard. From learning the harsh reality of paying student loans while staying human in a cruel world, adulthood is hard.

Our morning routine.

25 Hilarious Adult Facts That People Only Understand Much Later

Life always has a way to make it bad.

25 Hilarious Adult Facts That People Only Understand Much Later

What is 20-year-old me?

25 Hilarious Adult Facts That People Only Understand Much Later

Not even your body cooperates with you.

25 Hilarious Adult Facts That People Only Understand Much Later

Too young…

25 Hilarious Adult Facts That People Only Understand Much Later

Drink your water kids.

25 Hilarious Adult Facts That People Only Understand Much Later

Why are bones so fragile?

25 Hilarious Adult Facts That People Only Understand Much Later

Acting like we’re thrifty, but we’re not.

25 Hilarious Adult Facts That People Only Understand Much Later

Still learning to grow up.

25 Hilarious Adult Facts That People Only Understand Much Later

When you hate it, but still needs the money.

25 Hilarious Adult Facts That People Only Understand Much Later

Now, I understand mom.

25 Hilarious Adult Facts That People Only Understand Much Later

Where is my time?! What happened?! I’m 30 already?!

25 Hilarious Adult Facts That People Only Understand Much Later

Wait, stop it. WAIT.

25 Hilarious Adult Facts That People Only Understand Much Later

That we’re now old enough for alcohol and consent.

25 Hilarious Adult Facts That People Only Understand Much Later

Can someone make the choice for us?

25 Hilarious Adult Facts That People Only Understand Much Later
urbanhymnal. gingesnapwolves

Unstoppable desire to keep ’em coming.

25 Hilarious Adult Facts That People Only Understand Much Later

Why do I wake up tired?

25 Hilarious Adult Facts That People Only Understand Much Later

The small things that make us happy.

25 Hilarious Adult Facts That People Only Understand Much Later

Ugh… I’m going to have to live through this day again.

25 Hilarious Adult Facts That People Only Understand Much Later

Stop eating so much.

25 Hilarious Adult Facts That People Only Understand Much Later

And just… forget everything.

25 Hilarious Adult Facts That People Only Understand Much Later

New sponge is the new drug.

25 Hilarious Adult Facts That People Only Understand Much Later

Everything we buy basically doesn’t last long.

25 Hilarious Adult Facts That People Only Understand Much Later

Nobody yelled at me, yet, so far.

25 Hilarious Adult Facts That People Only Understand Much Later

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