24 Times People’s Online Orders Gone Hilariously Wrong
Never going on Wish ever again.
Buying clothes online is almost like gambling, especially when it comes to notorious sites or shady, unfamiliar ones. Even well-established brands still have issues because not all these fancy dresses you think would look great at the club can be worn. They only look good in the pictures; there’s no way to guarantee they’ll be comfy to wear in real life.
These people have to experience firsthand spending dollars on pieces of clothes they won’t ever wear. They’re not that pricey, but pretty sure you’ll leave a one-star review then share your unfortunate situation online, at least for some virtual points.
See even bigger disasters caused by online purchases as these ladies tried to be cost-effective while preparing their wedding. Or these people who are just crushed by the reality of their purchases that they had been waiting expectantly.
“I just knew I was about to be Fly in this outfit. These folks den sent me a whole clown suit!”

“I’ll be out making cult sacrifices in the woods if you need me.”

“Ordered the robe you wear when the police come to tell you your millionaire husband died in suspicious circumstances.”

“Disco pants from Amazon.”

The dipped hem floral summer dress I ordered Vs. I got.

“When you’re 5’ 1” but still think it will look the same on you as it does the model…”

“$75 and 7 months to receive…”

It’s somehow the same, but also not at all at the same time.

They got the main features right, I guess.

Uh, what?

“Dress vs. dressing that could cover a wound.”

Why do people do this?

That’s… That’s not how…

The color, the holes…

Accurate, but why does it look like a tabletop?

Some people are just not cut out to design and make clothes.
What happened? What is this?

Wedding gown gone wrong.

Prom-level disaster.

Not even going to point out how colorblind one has to do this.

In case you’re an NBA player looking for a pair of jeans.

The kind of fraud that you just hate so much.

A straight rip-off!