24 Pics Show People Have No Idea How To Deal With Current Situation
From Jack Daniel’s to Thousand Island dressings… what is the weirdest thing you’ve seen this week?
People are panic-buying everywhere as grocery stores run out of the basic necessities from bottles of water to gallons of milk and toilet tissues in case they have to stay indoors for a prolonged time. Without a doubt, panic has set into people that drove these actions, but it also reveals some of the most absurd things and priorities.
We found 24 proofs that Americans aren’t really sure how they should face this pandemic. And hilarity ensues.
1. When you drink milk instead of water daily.

2. Imagine: he can breed a whole cage of chickens that will last him years!

3. Man got his priorities straight.

4. Smart choice if you want to stay hydrated and if you’re stranded on an island on your own. IF.

5. Man did not forget about his birds. RESPECT.

6. We… have no comment.

7. We can’t judge people’s taste as well.

8. A little bit overboard, but understandable.


10. This person is a rare species.

11. Well. That’s a legit possibility.

12. Because gallons of milk will last you a month and he thinks he won’t come out for more than a month.

13. Dude’s family know they’ve got their needs covered.

14. It’s all about imagining what if you’re stuck for days with your most favorite thing.

15. This is the same person who won’t stay home longer than a week.

16. We’ll be spending a LOT of time in the toilet, eh.

17. We don’t either.

18. And on more in staying healthy while staying home.

19. More corn dogs.

20. Woman is more scared of running of toilet papers than food.

21. Man: I can run out of anything, but not BREAD.

22. This actually looks like normal picture?

23. Can’t deny him.

24. Let’s strive to shadow the energy of this woman.