22 Pics That Are Too Relatable For People Who Overthink Every Moment Of Their Life
I want to sell my brain now.
Overthinking is such a curse to some people with active brains. Like, really, we don’t need to be conscious of that thing we did as a 5-year-old now that we have a kid of the same age already. When will our brain stop overthinking and create a vicious spiral downwards that convince us our life is just a meme?!
Serious things aside, Greenlemon wishes these memes can help you chill out and realize that you’re not the only one with it. And perhaps, you can think of these memes when your brain flipped its overthinking-switch again.
1. Just having a conversation and then:

2. Yeah, I’m he- here.

3. Please, don’t yell at me.

4. My last brain cells at 3 AM.


6. …

7. “I don’t exactly care about the receipt.”

8. Uh, am I dying?

9. Should I look up?! Should I not?! Am I creep?!

10. Uh, yeah, I really need this electric toothbrush.

11. I’d like to sell my brain, please.

12. You can never have too many underwear, right?

13. No, my cellphone is not meant for calling.

14. Omg, everyone’s going to remember me as the coughing kid.

15. Please laugh. I need this to stay sane.

16. I’m innocent. This is my right.

17. I need to forgive myself.

18. We’ve all been there.

19. I was just a kid.

20. Even though I’ve never been scammed before.

21. Please stop looking at me. PLEASE.