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22 People Whose Sense Of Humor Is Sharper Than A Diamond


22 People Whose Sense Of Humor Is Sharper Than A Diamond

Ah, my cup of tea.

Life is hard. It can get so difficult, putting us down at times. Is that how you feel at times? Well, maybe the perspectives that these people have in life can lighten up your mood a bit. But it goes without saying that they probably only have their sense of humor going right now.

We just love how these people manage to strike even the most ruthless situations with jokes. They get dark, but at least we get a good laugh from them!

1. “I figured out you don’t actually have to assemble these things.”

22 People Whose Sense Of Humor Is Sharper Than A Diamond

2. The best dent repair I’ve ever seen!

22 People Whose Sense Of Humor Is Sharper Than A Diamond

3. Man probably got Ford just to crack this joke.

22 People Whose Sense Of Humor Is Sharper Than A Diamond
TheRussMartinShow / imgur

4. In case of broken glass.

22 People Whose Sense Of Humor Is Sharper Than A Diamond

5. That’s the long way around.

22 People Whose Sense Of Humor Is Sharper Than A Diamond
Fuzzybuzzy514 / reddit

6. Cousin in wheelchair manages to crack jokes only he can.

22 People Whose Sense Of Humor Is Sharper Than A Diamond
SurebutterCringe / reddit

7. So… where’s Unsinkable I?

22 People Whose Sense Of Humor Is Sharper Than A Diamond
mentholie / imgur

8. More wheelchair jokes.

22 People Whose Sense Of Humor Is Sharper Than A Diamond
shockthew0rld / reddit

9. Yo, true pumpkin spice lattes lovers will not drive pass this without stopping in to change oil.

22 People Whose Sense Of Humor Is Sharper Than A Diamond
Spencer94 / reddit

10. You want mystery? We deliver.

22 People Whose Sense Of Humor Is Sharper Than A Diamond
zehtov / reddit

11. Dad jokes. I’d like to buy one, though.

22 People Whose Sense Of Humor Is Sharper Than A Diamond
mnyuubi / reddit

12. The picture mom took at Mt. Rushmore after 9 hours driving up.

22 People Whose Sense Of Humor Is Sharper Than A Diamond
ZimbleGoat / reddit

13. This ‘home alone’ party though.

22 People Whose Sense Of Humor Is Sharper Than A Diamond
kunsjef / reddit

14. Whose kid is this?

22 People Whose Sense Of Humor Is Sharper Than A Diamond
StockSwaff / reddit

15. Librarians sorting out the romance section based on their experience.

22 People Whose Sense Of Humor Is Sharper Than A Diamond
ChanklaChucker / imgur

16. “What are you this Halloween?!” “I’m an idiot sandwich…”

22 People Whose Sense Of Humor Is Sharper Than A Diamond
Amazing-noob / reddit

17. The moment we all dreaded.

22 People Whose Sense Of Humor Is Sharper Than A Diamond
d4rm713 / imgur

18. Lost his right arm and broke his left. So friend decided its time to get that T-shirt.

22 People Whose Sense Of Humor Is Sharper Than A Diamond
DFine5 / reddit

19. This Halloween, they didn’t have a babysitter.

22 People Whose Sense Of Humor Is Sharper Than A Diamond
unique1007 / reddit

20. Highway patrol ain’t joking with this one, I think.

22 People Whose Sense Of Humor Is Sharper Than A Diamond
GiaacomoTheKing / reddit

21. What a fun girl.

22 People Whose Sense Of Humor Is Sharper Than A Diamond
jeppe148 / imgur

22. You know a protester is a doctor when:

22 People Whose Sense Of Humor Is Sharper Than A Diamond
lCall911l / reddit

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